Sol-Skin, let the journey begin...

You can use it for End of Day treatment or thru the whole day if you want. If you want more stretch for example...
But one have to use it wisely because too much can trigger SAS(shade avoidance syndrome)!
As @welight mentioned above the new boards comes with an on-board driver and separate dimmable channels. No need for an LED controller. I don't know if they are remotely dimmable or manually but I'm sure he will provide us with all the new specs as soon as they are ready.
The dimming and on board drivers make them so much more appealing.
i dont think on-board drivers were indicated

"the key change and reason for the rev was the development of the driver PCB with 3 built in pots, we wanted to make the driving of the board as simple as possible"

That sounds to me he creates an own PCB driver solution for his boards and one need only a CV driver to drive the boards and dimm each channel separately.
Whether it will be directly on the SolSkin board or on an additional PCB is still unclear, but I could easily imagine an on-board solution, as such a solution do not need much space.
The driver is not on the SSK board, its a daughter board primarily because it will have multiple drive options, not necessarily for a single board but we are fleshing out those features in the next rev. The idea is to have multiple channel drive(3) but all driven of one external CV driver, we want to simplify the multiple channel concept as much as possible
Teaser, just arrived, Driver board, will drive 3 channels 48V, full on board constant current, driven by 48V CV source,3 on board POTs, board is dual function master/slave so one master can control multiple slaves. Led PCBs imminent
fully built Solskin 3 channel dimmer, full on board constant current drive for 3 channels, with master slave so multiple boards can be controlled from pots on one board, driven from 48Volts CV


Retail price for one of these boards?
I wonder who actually want all this added cost..Will you be selling the boards by themselves aswell ?
fully built Solskin 3 channel dimmer, full on board constant current drive for 3 channels, with master slave so multiple boards can be controlled from pots on one board, driven from 48Volts CV

Nice. Tw are needed a master and slave unit. have prices yet for these? I noticed you use CV drivers to establish 48v and establish current demand based on loading. Similar to DMX controllers, master/slave relationship.
Love to see this updated. Hope you roll this out succesfully. Did you make a grow with solskin rev1? I really think you should try to get a documented grow onto riu, or get someone to do it for you.
This seems like a really nice product, especially for us in the euro-crowd: overseas shipping and customs means QBs / solskins are pretty much the same level of convenience. But a 2 channel solskin is about 90€/$ and has as many diodes as 2 qbs, and LM301 ontop of that.
Hope to see more details on this:
Parmap and thermal details at 100w/no heatsink (this true, 100w and no heatsink?!?! That would be killer!)
Parmaps of the specialty spectrums: 2000k / fullspectrum etc
Details on what bins are available and what 90 cri options are available.

And get someone growing with this :)
Thanks Rocket, yes want to have several doc'd grows and have started testing to create ppfd maps. As much as I want to offer LM301B, these are like rocking horse shit in the 39 lumen bin and only offered in 70 CRI, so initially we are going with Nichia as they all come in 210LPW and have the 2000K bins in the range and 90 CRI in the same performance as 561 C