solar power cone for your house or shed - 20X more efficient


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in solar technology to help a house with electricity if you were to grow medicinal weed. I'd heard about this company called V3 and their prototype of a cone shaped solar device that was 20X more efficient than a flat panel. I was wondering if any of you inventors out their could re-engineer one and get them out there to people. It's been 3 years since I heard about this device and it still isn't out on the market. i wonder if it's being suppressed by government? Have a look...See what you think...

Suppressed by the gov? Hahahahhah.... conspiracy theorist eh?

Bringing any product to market is a huge undertaking. Any number of things cango wrong. But usually it is just a lack of money that trips things like this up...
But as I look around on the net, all these inventions and then they never get to the residential/commercial markets.