Soldiers Co Op Outdoor thread

It's a cover crop / trap plant. Keeps water from evaporation, helps keep worms and soil life happy. And bugs go to that before the cannabis.
Great man thanks I gotta try that , Is it to late for me to grow some I'm in Vermont , any other plant you recommend in an out door opp, I'm in a sumac and raspberry patch .
Great man thanks I gotta try that , Is it to late for me to grow some I'm in Vermont , any other plant you recommend in an out door opp, I'm in a sumac and raspberry patch .
Build a soil dot come has some excellent cover crop mixes. There's always something that can be planted unless there's frost and snow out
Great man thanks I gotta try that , Is it to late for me to grow some I'm in Vermont , any other plant you recommend in an out door opp, I'm in a sumac and raspberry patch .

I use marigolds as.pest repellent, try to find as close to heirloom not hybrids. Also, comfrey, nettle, are great companion plants.