Solid Thermo-Hygrometers?


Well-Known Member
Looking for a good thermometer/hygrometer combo. Most of the ones I can find on amazon etc. have negative reviews about accuracy, which is the main function of these units lol. Anyone have good recommendations?
Sorry for some reason I thought you were using a soil one.

I just use a weather station. Then you can connect multiple "outside" receivers in each tent/room.
I just ordered this one off amazon about 3 weeks ago been using it to test my flower room before plants go in there, seems to work good, nice features being able to mount the "remote" inside your area and then put the display where ever you would like, also records the max and minimum but you have to manually reset it every day, easy enough,

La Crosse Technology WS-9160U-IT Digital Thermometer with Indoor/Outdoor Temperature

I also have been using one of these just draped over my exhuast for my lights so the sensor is hanging at canopy level, between the two they are almost always reading the same as one another so again, very accurate also the aquarium ones take it to the tenths place which is nice seeing as I also use those in all 3 of my Rezs,

AODE® (2-Pack, Black & Yellow) Digital Fish Tank Aquarium Thermometers 600012

with that being said I also have a handful of the acurite ones from Amazon and those ALWAYS read high, sometimes 5-8 degrees higher then the others.:wall: (Especially do not put those acurite ones in direct light) trust me, I thought I couldn't get my room under 93 degrees then put one out of the direct light and it was like 72, also the infrared ones like the aquarium thermometers are nice because they seem to not be effected by the radiant heat from the lights, reads accurately hanging at canopy level, I also keep a good ol analog thermometer hanging on one of my studs as well. Probably the most accurate out of all of them.
The art of reading your plant's is getting lost. The basics of container growing is getting over shadowed by the reading of meters. It's a shame. More often than not the plants,suffer. But the grower feels better.
Reading your plants still tells you much more then any meter ever could... nothing wrong with monitoring environmental conditions as well, as mentioned I was using all of those to test the temps in detail and looking for hot spots in my flower room.