solo cup for starting hempys or final bucket?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I have seedlings that just sprouted. I will be growing then in 2 gallon hempy buckets with 100% perlite. So my question is, should I start my seedlings in solo cup hempys or just plant in the final hempy bucket from the start?
Hello everyone. I have seedlings that just sprouted. I will be growing then in 2 gallon hempy buckets with 100% perlite. So my question is, should I start my seedlings in solo cup hempys or just plant in the final hempy bucket from the start?
I would put in solo cup for now and when your seedling starts to outgrow the cup then u upgrade.. Less chance of overwater and other problems
I typically start from the final bucket


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I typically water around the edges of the seedling, as it's roots are still developing thus are limited
So my seedlings are just a few days old. I started from seed in rapid rooter cubes. So when should I place my seedlings in the hempy bucket? Should I wait till more roots start to show thru the plug or just plant them now?