Solo Guerilla Growing


Well-Known Member
I've had enough deers scare the shit out of me thinkn they were somethin else, but I've always bin scared of coyotes since I've seen there shit pretty close to my plants


Well-Known Member
I guess that's one thing to like about NC. The scariest animal we have is the elusive Virgina Foxx.


New Member
I guess that's one thing to like about NC. The scariest animal we have is the elusive Virgina Foxx.
Yes she would scare me 2 :shock:

Virginia Foxx

Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from North Carolina's 5th district


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the info guys, but the fear of animals will prevent this from happening this year.

Besides, setting up very close to a logging road would never work, even if out of sight, right?
Oh man, don't get that attitude!

No, don't do it if you don't feel safe, but I wouldn't worry about animals, I'd worry about people.

Whether or not it's going to get stumbled upon depends on the location. If it's out in the country, near a trailer park, then there's probably going to be hunters walking around. Conversely, in some rich neighborhoods people can own ten acres and not walk on any unmanicured grass.

I guess a logging road is a road where loggers haul their loads? So it doesn't provide access to any homes? And the people that are utilizing it are probably going to be working and on a schedule and not have time to dick around in the woods any more than to drain the weasel a few feet off trail? It sounds good to me if you can find a spot, not likely to run into anyone there at night.

Maybe they don't log on sundays and you can go during the day?

I don't know man, just trying to help the brainstorming process.


Active Member
haha we no more snakes, bears, coyote, couger, or really anything that bad here in hawaii
worse is centepedes and big black boars with fat tusks but unless u get near their babies they will stay away as long as u toss a fat rock near em


Well-Known Member
haha we no more snakes, bears, coyote, couger, or really anything that bad here in hawaii
worse is centepedes and big black boars with fat tusks but unless u get near their babies they will stay away as long as u toss a fat rock near em
shit, i saw a tv show where a guy in hi. was walking in the woods and a big ass snake (boa i think) gobbled his ass up !!! they found him w/ his legs stickin out the snakes mouth!!! the snake died trying to swallow him.:shock:

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
shit, i saw a tv show where a guy in hi. was walking in the woods and a big ass snake (boa i think) gobbled his ass up !!! they found him w/ his legs stickin out the snakes mouth!!! the snake died trying to swallow him.:shock:
It doesn't happen in Hawaii. There are no snakes in Hawaii. They are not allowed.

G Dubya Bush

Active Member
I'm a country boy, grew up working and wandering in the fields, woods and slews. Deer, coyotes, raccoons, possums, these animals are not threats. I do have some rattlesnakes here but I take basic snake country precautions.

My advice if your afraid of the outdoors is to befriend a dog. I don't recommend pits, rots or any other "guard dog" type only because LEO will tend to be more suspicious of anyone with these types of dogs. My current dog is an Australian cattle dog (like from the old movie Mad Max). This sort of dog is very common on farms in my area because they are alert and protective of their masters and property.

The only wildlife I ever worry about is two legged. Years back I went out into some semi forested public lands to tend a few plants. I was just about to my garden when my dog started barking up a tree. It took me a second to see the guy in his camos, sitting on a platform in the tree. We spoke for a minute and he said he was "scouting deer." I said I was just taking the dog hiking.

I'm not sure, but I think LEO was watching my site. When I finally went back in mid-late harvest season I found my patch had been chopped out.

I still think my dog saved my ass. I wouldn't go out without a dog. Their senses are remarkable.