Solution needed for ozone problem.


First of all i would like to thank all of you who are bothering to take a look at my thread and attempt to help me out with some advice.

My concerns are mostly about ozone, this will be my first grow but i have been reading about growing for a very long time so i have pretty much all of my bases covered except this one. My grow closet is a 4.9 foot x 2.1 foot x 7.5 foot, going in the closet is a 400 watt cheapo digital ballast a hydro farm radiant 6 reflector and an HTG supply fan and filter combo, . My main issue here is obviously with odor since i am interested in ozone, in my room i have my ventilation system hooked up as follows filter -> hood -> fan -> attic. I know that the rooms ventilation is adequate as i have tested it and it maintained a temperature 8 degrees higher than the house hold temp of 75 over a period of 12 hours. My concerns with odor start in the access hatch to the attic as it is located in the grow closet, i cut a piece of particle board to fit the hatch and weather striped it to make sure it was air tight then i mounted the centrifugal fan in the middle of the hatch and i cut a 6" hole in the particle board for the ducting, this helps me quite the fan and made it a bit easier to vent the closet. However this as well as the grow being set up below obstructs me from entering into the attic so i can not tell whether the filter is working or not, this closet sits on the out side wall of my house and about 2-3 feet to the side of it and a few feet up in the air sits a rather large attic vent on the side of my house. The absolute only way i have to check whether or not my filter is working is to take a ladder and sit it on the side of my house where there is a pretty steep bank and climb up 20-25 feet to the vent and take a wiff. About 30-40 feet across from that sits an extremely nosey old neighbor lady's house who is always out in her garden, so i don't want to be doing this not only because its dangerous, not only because the old bat will want an explanation when i do it once a month, but because i don't want my filter to go bad and get busted because i didn't know.

So i am trying to find a solution and the only thing i can think of is ozone as i said i am well read on growing so i know concentrated ozone is harmful to humans and living things in general but i cant think of another solution. I at first considered building an air mixing box connected to the vent on the side of the house and then ducting to it but in the winter time the steam escaping from the attic vent would probably be obvious and it would probably show up pretty well on FLIR, it would probably also cause more drag on my ventilation system. I also considered installing a roof vent dedicated to the exhaust system but again it would add more drag and I'm not sure how i would install the ozone generator into the duct with out having to build an air circulation box or using a lot of ducting and i am in no way qualified to cut holes in my roof.
So i was initially thinking about just putting an ozone generator in my attic and leaving my ventilation system the way it is so the air would just mix with the ozone and seep out but i don't want my neighbor to smell that and think we are cooking meth or something, i also don't want ozone leaking down into our living quarters and making us sick, i was considering this unit but my house's living space is probably less than 500 sq feet so im sure it would be over kill, CAP OZN-1 Ozone Generator

I have always thought of systems like this as gimmicks so i wasn't willing to consider them until i seen one made by the same company that built the decent looking one linked above and for a minute i thought all my problems were solved until i read the reviews and found out it was crap C.A.P. Ozone Generator OZN-JR

I would like to know are there any negative effects to running ozone threw a carbon filter, also this carbon filter was purchased 2-3 years ago and has not been used, is there any reason to believe that it would not filter effectively? I would also appreciate any feed back any one could give me on HTG's fan filter combos i have never used this filter so i am unsure of its quality and effectiveness, and i wont have anything to test it with until i absolutely have to have the odor under control.

If anyone has a product that they would recommend or a solution to my problems it would be greatly appreciated i just planted my seeds a few days ago so i only have a month or so to figure this out.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
Sorry did not fully read your
Imho I think an oz gen will be wasted directly vented into a carbon filter.The oz gen would be better served at the odor source.
My research shows that one is better off getting an oz gen with user replacable ion charging plates.An enviroment with over 50% humidity will corrode the plates and is exceptable in certain industrial applications.

A diy carbon filter with air pulled thru a layer of aquarium grade activated carbon does the trick for me.It sits just on the side of the room and fits the bill for my low odor strains.This maybe a cheaper option for you combined with your htg exhaust.

I hope this helps
An example...


Well-Known Member
condense there is no way im reading that sorry. i will just say this, i would not use ozone as it is dangerous and leaves an odd smell of its own.


Well-Known Member
also a filter doesnt just go "bad" they just lose thier smell removing ability slowly over time, just pop the filter off the vent keep the fan on or turn it on and run the smell test in your house every couple a months. shit ive been using the same filters for years it takes a while and a lot of smell to wear down a filter.