[Solved: it is] KingBriteLed alibaba safe?

theyre legit, heatsinks and drivers cost a bit to ship internationally, but i have never heard of anybody not getting their stuff
i bought my heatsinks from them and they showed up in like 5-6 days. they werent in stock from cobkits at the time and i was overly anxious lol. with shipping included i didnt really save a whole lot but i only bought 16. i have found bigger ones for cheaper on alibaba but i dont know if anyone here has used them(the site) yet. gonna get a quote soon and see whats up. i did my research pretty heavily when i was building my lights. on most stuff there is a minimal difference between our sponsors and alibaba after the RIU discount and shipping from overseas unless youre gonna order A LOT.
to get cheap heatsinks from alibaba you gotta buy 1000 and ship them by boat. other than that you may save a buck or two but nothing earth shaking
I was quoted $8.65 per 133mm Pin Fin Sink
Drilled and tapped to my specs, from Alibaba.

After Tax/shipping they came out to $12.30 per heat sink delivered. I only ordered 52, not 1000.
To my understanding, the 133mm sinks perform very close to 140mm pin sinks. 2 week lead time.

This was also back when vendors were trying to charge $25-40 per pin sink:shock:
Prices have come down, but I still saved over $1000 dollars just in aluminum by ordering China direct.
im getting a quote for 32 of the 150mm gold anodized :) LOL i need some bling in my life. thats the only thing i will get from there. the difference in most chip prices is minimal with our vendors, the difference in drivers is not much either and after shipping its not any better or at least not much. id rather most of my money go to our sponsors :)