Soma Seeds?


Well-Known Member
be carefull there i read the other link and it says the breeder is not soma, has some other dudes name there. if the site is not conected to his someway it is not his seeds


Well-Known Member
thanks bonz, once again!

but i'm guessing at RIU there aren't many fans of Soma's strains! there was even some guys that said it was clone only!!!!!! jesuuuus...
....anyway going next month to amsterdam and i will buy there original soma seeds

have u heard about SoGouda?
BREEDING - Blueberry - Cheese - G13 Haze
Indica: 70% Sativa: 30%

this looks promising........but i can take NYC diesel out of my head!!


Well-Known Member
oh man can i go ?
if your going there just buy something there. then there is no shipping costs.
some seeds i was looking for was 120 for 10 seeds, sent from spain, found his stuff here in vancouver 15 pack for 60 bucks. and aug special 5 more seeds. so way cheeper to pick up.


Well-Known Member
first of all i use regular seeds (not much of a fan of Fem. seeds and they are usually more expensive)

but in my opinion the NYCDxG13 cross will bring out the more Hazy taste of the g13 maybe more yield i dunno!!... probably brings out the good things of the G13 (but never tried it), i'm sticking to the original NYCD (mexican sativa x Afghani indica) my fav. smoke in amsterdam, powerfull high, perfect taste



Well-Known Member
sure bonz! i'll be there from 12 to 15 september

and i always buy some treats for myself when i go there :mrgreen: never miss the opportunity


Well-Known Member
if i could only afford it. i geusse i get second best living here in vansterdam, quite the selection


Active Member
attitude is the shit ordered from them 3 times took them 5 days to get to florida. Choose to go with Barney's Farm Red Diesel Californian Indica / NYCD. Because that shit soma is talkin bout 10weeks minimum yeild 25 grams is some shit i'm not tryin to hear at $185. NO Way. Oh my Red Diesel is feminized of course. :)