Some bud pics - 17 days into flowering. Master Kush, NB, Frisian....


Active Member
Just some update pics on my first grow. It's a small personal medical grow and 100% legal.

These plants were flipped to 12/12 on November 6th (17 days). They seem to be doing pretty good for my first shot :)

They are under a 400w HPS. I only have three budding. One Nirvana Master Kush that I planted from seed. Got lucky on this one!
The Master Kush view from top:


Frisian Dew from a clone:

And a Northern Berry x Blueberry from a clone:

Nutes are GH flora three part series, a little bit of Instant Karma, and Molasses. All were veg'd under the HPS which has an agro bulb for a little bit of the blue spectrum. They seem to love it!!! Can't wait till harvest!!!


Active Member
Thanks for the compliments! Magnetar - if I get an OZ dry from each plant I'll be a happy panda. spliffbazz - there was no topping done on that plant - all LST from the beginning.. The bud sites are all as big as the main stem.. I have high hopes for this one!


Well-Known Member
youll definitly get well more than a 0Z 1 of my mates got an 0Z off 6 20 watt cfls he lst'd aswell good luck with grow man....peace



Active Member
nice looking real good! i hope mine look like that on day 17 :-). turned mine to 12/12 on Nov16


Active Member
What do you have growing Foolieo? They really started to puff up in the last few days.. Can't wait to see how they look in a few weeks.