Some cacti questions


Well-Known Member
Im really interested in trying mescaline for the first time. I am mainly looking for some Peruvian torch b/c i heard the effects of it are more intense than San Pedro. How ever i was wondering why? Both contain mescaline so could I eat more San Pedro to have a similar trip or does the Peruvian have different alkaloids so the two will always be different?

Also I am having trouble finding a online source to get the cacti. I was looking for the dried material (pref Peruvian torch) but i am able to find live cuttings. Should i get the cuttings or am i spending to much money vs dried material. I can get 3 12 - 14 inch cuttings for 80$.

PM me with sources


Needless to say My friend has a bunch of Pereskiopsis cuttings rooting!
Sorry for bringing up an old thread but to buy seeds do you just go to a garden shop and ask for san pedro or peyote? Or is there some other name for them which wouldn't bring up a lot of suspicion?
san pedro is the best in my oppinion... easy to get and cheep, plus the alkaloid content is greatly depending on the health and biological state the cactus is in.
good news i found what seems to be a reliable seller of some dried peruvian torch. I am planning on getting about 150 grams dried diving it up by 3 friends and eating about 40 grams and having the extra 10 in case the stuff is weak. I like the idea of splitting up the 2 doses like having 20 grams waiting about 30 min and having the other half but i am afraid that i will possibly be throwing up from the first dose and not being able to absorb the second.

I like the idea of just grinding up the dry flesh into power and just chasing it down wish some juice because its simple fast and i cant fuck it up. But i have heard that if i don't some how break down the plant walls it wont be as efficitve is this true?

after reading a bit it sounds like a good idea to puke to feel better any way i guess ill do the 40 down the hatch at once hold it down for as long as i can then back up it comes.
capita, care to drop me a pm as to where youre getting the p torch? ive been wanting to try mescaline too but dont trust most sites out there
lol don't get it dried... you want it to be fresh, just order four 14" cuttings and give one to each friend...
First of all, for a first try I suggest you get dried cacti. Fresh cacti would be a bitch to eat and you'd have to dry it and waste time anyways.

I don't know where you're getting your cacti from, but I think you should order it from ICAROS DNA : Ethnobotanicals, Indigenous Art crafts & Cultural Jungle Adventures - Perú. I've heard they have some of the highest quality dried Peruvian torch (green tissue only) straight from Peru. Ask for the price list to get payment info. Their prices for cacti are:

1) Icaro Verde -dried green tissue peruvian torch (in dried chips and powdered form) Just add US$5 for the powdered form. Free 12 day shipping to US.
50 grams US$25
150 grams

250 grams
500 grams US$125
1 kg US$215
Get dried cactus and do a isopropyl extraction and then capsulate, much easier to ingest. San pedro and peruvian torch have about the same alkaloid content of 1%(dried). 50g is hard to ingest by itself and in food, its disgusting. Alcohol will dissolve the alkaloids and plant fats and then disgard the plant matter and then evaporate off the alcohol, encapsulation is much efficient IMO. Mescaline is wonderful
If you get wet cacti you have way more to eat but if you buy you can just dry it. The most potent part is the area around the skin. That is the really dark part of the cacti. This are is to protect the cacti from bugs but it will jack you up. It is up to you I prefer to cut the dark layers out dry it grind it up into a smothy and drink it down.

Also from what I've read the center (spine) and surrounding are makes you want to puke and is less potent in mescaline.

Either panchoi or paruvian works. I've tried another tritchoserous one that makes me hyper for some reason too.
The closes active legal species to Peyote(experience wise) is Trichocereus bridgesii. It has similar tryptamines as L. williamsii and is better than the 2 everyone is always talking about(pachanoi and peruvianus).
Get dried cactus and do a isopropyl extraction and then capsulate, much easier to ingest. San pedro and peruvian torch have about the same alkaloid content of 1%(dried). 50g is hard to ingest by itself and in food, its disgusting. Alcohol will dissolve the alkaloids and plant fats and then disgard the plant matter and then evaporate off the alcohol, encapsulation is much efficient IMO. Mescaline is wonderful
are you sure you get the alkaloids as well as mescaline b/c i read over here Alcohol Extraction Tek w/ Pics - Drugs Forum that it may not. I am hoping it extracts the alkaloids as well as the mescaline for the effects.
It gets everything if you do everything right and make sure that there is nothing left in the the cactus tissue, I usually heat up the isopropyl(slowly, hot water bath) so its solvent properties go up, the cactus should turn brown when its done. It definitely works. ;)
get trichocerus bridgesii. then go on erowid and look at an old fashioned extraction recipe. you'll need at least a 12 inch cutting for each person. Whatever I put into my own body is my business. However, that being said, I never put anything illegal into my body, you fascist government bastards who may be reading this