Some Good Movies

saw someone post apolclypto..great flik...district 9 as well... got to add king pin and the big lebowski, step brothers and american history x, catch me if ya can, goodfellas
Here's a few watchers I watched recently on Netflix... I have seen every movie but 1 listed in this thread - and agree with most of em - good lists - so check these 3 out...

Rampage ...
The Experiment

Have fun :)
I thought the rite and season of the witch could have been much better.

specially the rite....I was hyped to see it then let down hard.

restrepo was GREAT! Love war docs.

cant believe no one has listed 'waking life' about lucid dreaming...

just watched hall pass, funny flick! Just go with it I think was one of sandlers best in awhile. Blood out was ehhhh so so. Due date was a good laugh.

The way back....this movie now falls in my top 20. A must see!
The kings speech is good....if your into history and whatnot.
Kill the irishman was a killer flick.
Wall street money never sleeps was great.( some might disagree)
The fighter was pretty good.
The next three days was amazing.

the departed
children of men (thumbs up to the strawberry cough scene!)
ANYTHING by Quentin Tarantino
donnie darko
the box

I got 2,796 movies on my pc.....I could go on all night.
centipede the movie was disturbing :spew::spew::spew::spew::spew:

I just happened to look this up on IMBD right when I read your post.........

"A mad scientist kidnaps and mutilates a trio of tourists in order to reassemble them into a new "pet"-- a human centipede, created by stitching their mouths to each others' rectums. "

.........think I'll pass.

want a really disturbing movie? ....look up the "august underground" collection. It won tons of horror movie awards, but you'd never catch it in theaters lol.
Yea Restrepo was pretty damn good...i like most of the war docs.

I just got done watchin "Hall Pass" had to be one of the funniest movies ive seen in a while LOL
Natural Born Killers is pretty trippy


Someone mentioned Hurt Locker, which reminded me of Brothers (2009), now that is a pretty intense out of the ordinary war movie!

I could go on and on lol