Active Member
Im new here at Rollitup, so to start off I am growing a seed from a medical marijuana batch I came across and descided to start growing it. I am still
working on my research and peoples opinions on the whole growing matter and have made quite as ways for my first time growing marijuana indoors
and coming out with a good product at the end...
And this is what I have come up with so far...
10 Days after the Gemination Process 
Now over time using Miracle Gro Potting Mix with Time Release Food, only water I came out with this...
2 Weeks 
Now transplanting into a bigger pot a 6"round x 4" deep to keep my plant relitvely smaller in size, the Miracle Grow Potting Soil and a low dose of Nutrient such as Miracle Grow All Purpose Plant Food mixed right with water left out over night (24 Hrs) to evaporate all Chlorine and other harmfull chemicals...
4 Weeks 
4 Weeks 
As time goes on...
5 Weeks 
5 Weeks 
6 Weeks 
6 Weeks 
I have a 26W Power Saving Florescent Normal Light for my Clones, I have taken 2 Clones from her, each were cut at a 45 degree, cut off excess leaves and lower stems, scrapped the end of the cutting, then used Green Light Rooting Hormone Powder and put into a soil mix medium... They are using the 26W Power Saving Florescent Normal Light and have a Humidity Dome over them... My Clones are only 3 days old now and should root it 10-15 days so I have been told... I hope they take root and I have great healthy Clones to carry on the legacy of there donor...
3 Days Clone 1 
3 Days Clone 2 
And then the problem... My Leaves turned brownish gold in color with almost a gold shimmer to it as well... So I trimmed off all the leaves that appeared dead and spotted heavily with this brownish gold, tanish, shimmery stuff... The leaves were very dry to touch and crisp, all the leaves were curling up not down, even knowing the leaves where wilting the ends curled up...

I am still unsure of the cause but I took measures to cure it by flushing the soil with clean distilled water, flushed for awhile and strained the soil... I took out about 60% of the soil and put new fresh soil in, then cut off all dead leaves... I misted the soil and the plant with room temp water and raised my light up to 8" inches away from the top of the plant... I am using a 6" Soft Blue Forescent and a 2 1/2' Soft Blue Forescent light, rated at 14W for the 6" and 75W for the 2 1/2'...
Now what... Any ideas on what happend to her....? And will she survive...?
7 Weeks Problem 
7 Weeks Problem 
7 Weeks Problem 
Thank you,
Taking Life As It Comes. Day By Day...
working on my research and peoples opinions on the whole growing matter and have made quite as ways for my first time growing marijuana indoors
and coming out with a good product at the end...
And this is what I have come up with so far...

Now over time using Miracle Gro Potting Mix with Time Release Food, only water I came out with this...

Now transplanting into a bigger pot a 6"round x 4" deep to keep my plant relitvely smaller in size, the Miracle Grow Potting Soil and a low dose of Nutrient such as Miracle Grow All Purpose Plant Food mixed right with water left out over night (24 Hrs) to evaporate all Chlorine and other harmfull chemicals...

As time goes on...

I have a 26W Power Saving Florescent Normal Light for my Clones, I have taken 2 Clones from her, each were cut at a 45 degree, cut off excess leaves and lower stems, scrapped the end of the cutting, then used Green Light Rooting Hormone Powder and put into a soil mix medium... They are using the 26W Power Saving Florescent Normal Light and have a Humidity Dome over them... My Clones are only 3 days old now and should root it 10-15 days so I have been told... I hope they take root and I have great healthy Clones to carry on the legacy of there donor...

And then the problem... My Leaves turned brownish gold in color with almost a gold shimmer to it as well... So I trimmed off all the leaves that appeared dead and spotted heavily with this brownish gold, tanish, shimmery stuff... The leaves were very dry to touch and crisp, all the leaves were curling up not down, even knowing the leaves where wilting the ends curled up...

I am still unsure of the cause but I took measures to cure it by flushing the soil with clean distilled water, flushed for awhile and strained the soil... I took out about 60% of the soil and put new fresh soil in, then cut off all dead leaves... I misted the soil and the plant with room temp water and raised my light up to 8" inches away from the top of the plant... I am using a 6" Soft Blue Forescent and a 2 1/2' Soft Blue Forescent light, rated at 14W for the 6" and 75W for the 2 1/2'...
Now what... Any ideas on what happend to her....? And will she survive...?


Thank you,

Taking Life As It Comes. Day By Day...
