anyway I started growing my plant on the first day of spring (after I germinated of course) I promptly moved it outdoors near my backdoor to allow it to soak up morning light and moisture without getting wilted. Its now near ending june and my plant is nearly 5 1/2 feet tall and 4 feet wide cause my dad made me top it off wrong... I wanted to know if it was safe to top my plant as often as I felt necessary to make it bushier and bigger. at most I want to achieve 8 tops per branch. Also I was wondering if it would cause ventilation problems ect if it became too bushy? I have so many questions but I'll keep them related as time goes. heres a early spring pic of my plant. Its nearly quadrupled in size since then, I would take a pic of it right now, but I lost my camera. they're rather droopy in that pic because I had transplanted them when they where strong enough to stay outside in the colder early spring. I used a natural blend of powdered egg shells four tea spoons of used tea bags small chunks of pumice and organic potting soil+red clay. The clay wasn't anything I could have avoided cause its pretty much all over the land I live on.