some help understanding the electric side of things

Can someone help me understand these light controllers?
What do they do?
Will I need an electrician to install it?
Is it necessary?
Is it easier to wire new circuits into my breaker?
Is this going to save me time/money/risk?

more questions to come in this post but I was hoping to get that cleared up first..


Well-Known Member
not sure what you mean by light controller

need to give more details as to what exactly it is your using so we can help better :)


Well-Known Member
i would get ahold of a master electrician that you can trust. your going to need to re wire some shit in your house and breaker panel in order to use them and personally i wouldnt feel safe wiring something like that with little to no experience.

sorry i cant help more. good luck with your project
OK, sorry. More details:

We are hoping to have a set up with room to expand to having 8 1000W HPS. obviously can't just plug this into the wall.. I know I will need to get it a 240V circuit with 30+ amps. I just dont know how to do this... Where do i get started learning this stuff?


Well-Known Member
You need a pro to wire it in for you. You should go 220 as it will handle more lights. If your running 8 lights in a room your going to need 2.5 tons of air or some way to cool.


Well-Known Member
thats alot of power so that adds alot of risk. best left to an electrician but if you are very mechanically inclined, you could pick up a book on home wiring and add a subpanel to your room. best to hire a pro & tell him you are installing a kiln or arcwelder and need a 220 volt outlet added.