Some help with cloning please.


Active Member
So I did what seems to be right. I cut the cuttings from the mother. put in water. dipped in rooting solution and put into jiffy pots with neutral potting soil. These girls are around 4-5 days old and looking glum. I gave them a drink of non-ph'ed water at first.... oops now I flushed them with ph'ed H2O. I open the lid twice a day to get some fresh air in there and I let them dry out to just being a bit damp and then water.

please let me know what you think. Am I going about this right?



Well-Known Member
How long ago did you take the cuttings? They do look fine for cuttings and will take time to develop the roots before they start growing again. You could mist the inside of the container to keep the leaves greener however too much and it slows down the growth of the roots.


Well-Known Member
How long ago did you take the cuttings? They do look fine for cuttings and will take time to develop the roots before they start growing again. You could mist the inside of the container to keep the leaves greener however too much and it slows down the growth of the roots.
is the gassy sparkling water ok for 2 week old cuttins coz theres co2 in it thanks


New Member
So I did what seems to be right. I cut the cuttings from the mother. put in water. dipped in rooting solution and put into jiffy pots with neutral potting soil. These girls are around 4-5 days old and looking glum. I gave them a drink of non-ph'ed water at first.... oops now I flushed them with ph'ed H2O. I open the lid twice a day to get some fresh air in there and I let them dry out to just being a bit damp and then water.

please let me know what you think. Am I going about this right?
They look bad. Like they're getting too much light or you take shitty care of your mums. That middle one in the second pic isn't even standing up straight. You need to water slowly.
you should try cloning with rockwool great results, from my experience i use only fresh water with no nutes for about 2 weeks and i start seeing roots you should try it sometimes jus my 2cents


Active Member
They look like they are taking. They also look very wet. Try putting perlite in the soil next time to drain better.
I do mine in good potting soil, and beer cups. Very rarely have to buy anything, and it is very easy to mark cups, move them, feed them individually, and move them around, and pull out if cutting doesn't take. Reuse cup, refill, and remark and a new clone is on the way.


Active Member
Thanks for all the info guys. One is now almost touching the top of the lid. So I guess the yellowing is okay then.


Active Member
Thanks guys I'm sure the temp of the 1000W MH might be affecting them. I cloned a few others with about 250w of CFL's and they didnt do it as bad. Next time I will be using a Veg room with only CFL'S! Thanks for all he help guys!
i forgot to clone my babys b4 they flower :(I'm 6 weeks in flower. I took a clone from the bottom that had the smallest bud on there that i could find. Any body know wht my surviall chances are? I dip in clonex and planted in rockwool under 24/7 cfl .(purple fluro's) She is drenched in a rhizazone solutin with a an airstone in it. reckon she will make it or she's gonna go to mully heaven?


Active Member
i forgot to clone my babys b4 they flower :(I'm 6 weeks in flower. I took a clone from the bottom that had the smallest bud on there that i could find. Any body know wht my surviall chances are? I dip in clonex and planted in rockwool under 24/7 cfl .(purple fluro's) She is drenched in a rhizazone solutin with a an airstone in it. reckon she will make it or she's gonna go to mully heaven?

I've heard of guys doing this but I dont think it is widely practiced. Best of luck please keep me posted on your success. Also I would cut everything off save to top leaves and mybe rim the bud off if you can. Can anyone else more experienced help out Skunky?


New Member
Am I going about this right?
They look bad. Like they're getting too much light or you take shitty care of your mums. That middle one in the second pic isn't even standing up straight. You need to water slowly.
Thanks guys I'm sure the temp of the 1000W MH might be affecting them. I cloned a few others with about 250w of CFL's and they didnt do it as bad. Next time I will be using a Veg room with only CFL'S! Thanks for all he help guys!
Sucks to be you.
sirsmoksalot cheers for the input. I'll keep ya posted on outcome.So far so good. I'll chop leaves of them. The bud one i;ll leave leaves on but i'll try to gently pinch out the buds on my buddy clone.

Yay i get to sample a bit of my efforts! :P


Well-Known Member
is the gassy sparkling water ok for 2 week old cuttins coz theres co2 in it thanks
I wouldnt use the sparkling water without adjusting the PH.. It sits at about 3.5 naturally.
Clones look like they will bounce back anyday now.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
its actully better to cut clones while in flower.. they are rgoing to root faster due to the less nitregon stored in it.. i myself cut the mojority of my clone 5 to 6 weeksin flower.. they are going to root in the same amount of time as a clone cut from a vegging plant, but it will take longer to vert back to vegetation stage pennding on how long of flower they are in