Some Member of Congress ask POTUS to remove Marijuana from Schedule I or II

Wow did I read that right 16 members of congress are backing it , that's great. I have a bet with my girl it will be legal federally in 2 more years. The politicians are getting hyped about the tax revenue I'm guessing.
I know they are really pushing in RI now I just seen it on the news.they want to make it legal for 21 and over and be able to get it from 10 different facilities.we are seeing how much Colorado is making in taxes so.....bye bye greedy caregivers riding the system
Agree'd. Also, remember those retail places will not have reasonable prices at all cause there is extra tax and regulations which cost money that you the consumer must pay. The major factor is taking away all actual competition, us cardholders.

its going to take years for spots to fill up and open with actual quality,quantity or meds. When bill takes effect though only the dispensary open currently will be avail. And will RAPE market... infact. I wouldn't doubt slater has been holding meds for that moment and using purchased meds to stay afloat at nickel/dime rates.

when legal it will become a buiseness not a compassionate thing... all the complaining patients do about organic quality and prices etc, will have no effect anymore. 1 Mature plant and 1 veg will not supply anyone with medicine for constant period.

i cant wait to read entire bill... legalizing is good, just on cardholders terms not the state having taxes being only interest.