some more pendants


bud bootlegger
hey fdd.. mind if i ask how you got into glass blowing? i would love to get into something like this, but have no clue as to where i would go to get lessons or have someone teach a skill like that..
i thought i once read about a school or something like that in philadelphia, but i don't recall where i read this or what the name of the place was...
oh well.. that stuff you do is pretty awesome, but i am sure you know that already..
keep it up man.. nice work.. really.. i even love those marbles..


bud bootlegger
oh yah.. i was just in venice italy, and they had all kinds of murano glass for sale in every little shop lining every canal in the city.. my girl and i spent hours going into the stores looking at some of the pieces.. some were crazy expensive, but others weren't too bad.. we were actually going to take a boat out to the island of murano and watch them making some, but of course we ran out of time before we got that far... there were a couple of small shops right in venice that did their own blowning and was cool to watch them work..


Well-Known Member
hey fdd, hows things. ive loved following your glass making for the longest time, but i lost touch of it for a while. is this the thread where you display your new stuff, or is there another one?

have you thought about selling the glass on craigslist? or even better, what about selling them out of your car at hippie concerts?


Well-Known Member
i haven't sold anything in over a month. sales just STOPPED. i have no idea why. :(

i have a store over at etsy and am going to try to attend the marble show in los angeles next month.


Well-Known Member
clownfish would be cool. cool colors.

i have done a couple bubblers but i don't use them so i really don't make them. someday i'm sure i'll get more into it. i want to do an ash catcher. i need one, bad. when i do it will be diffused.

this has a 5 holed down stem. View attachment 589816 View attachment 589817 View attachment 589818
HA! I knew you couldn't make dry pipes forever!

edit: if you have so many pipes in cases, why aren't they on your etsy? you can't sell what's not on display!


Well-Known Member
Yeah man I can only see 19 items right now
Are you going to unhide those better ones?
what it comes down to is the fricken pictures. i have to set up the photo tent then shoot 300 pics to get 3 that i'm happy with. i'm really anal like that. :shock:


Well-Known Member
what it comes down to is the fricken pictures. i have to set up the photo tent then shoot 300 pics to get 3 that i'm happy with. i'm really anal like that. :shock:
maybe you need to make a craigslist ad.

pay someone $100 to take pictures for a day.

if you sell like 3 pipes it's worth your while.


Well-Known Member
you should see they whole thing. there are at least 20 millies in there. it's gone now. :wink:

more to come. :cool:


Well-Known Member
I want one like that, with a shit load of little things to see in the pipe. I love pipes that you have to spend time looking at to see everything there is to see about it.


Well-Known Member

That's all you have to do FDD

I'd be willing to bet that if you would show us more you would not have as many as you do