Some of my plants don't like LED


Lol this thread got informative gents

Again, I'm going to run it with just the veg switch on (blues) and see how things go. I also have it about 3 feet above the canopy


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Well-Known Member
I think you are misrepresenting the graph. Where on the graph is photosynthesis driven the hardest with both chlorophyll a and b? How many nm? Which color do those two points produce?
There is more to plants than just photosynthesis. There is also photomorphogenesis which control auxins, flavins and have nothing to do with chlorophyll. Plants have many more light sensors (phytochromes, cryptochromes, phototropins...) which receive different wavelengths not just a few spikes.


Well-Known Member
There is more to plants than just photosynthesis. There is also photomorphogenesis which control auxins, flavins and have nothing to do with chlorophyll. Plants have many more light sensors (phytochromes, cryptochromes, phototropins...) which receive different wavelengths not just a few spikes.
Does a plant not create Auxin if it is exposed to only blue and red? Is UV within that PAR graph? Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't there a reason people use green lights during flower?


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