some one help settle this dispute!!


heres the deal, my buddy had a few nice clones in a shed and they all got pollinated by a lonely male !! now he has no where to put them he wants to bring them into my garden filled with fourty sweet blueberry clones a month and a week into flower..i told him it would probably b a bad idea, but he insists that nothing will happen to my babies,i just really dont know cuz they were all exposed to males and i dont want nothin happening to my buds!!!!
some one help put this to rest for me please!!:twisted:
ok you tell your friend to fuck off cuz thats a sure way to fuck your
plants!! thats just retarded lol. dude his electric bill for heating a shed
gotta suck seing that its cold as shit in AK right now
Pollen gets EVERYWHERE! If his plants were pollinated, that means the pollen is on his plants- PERIOD. I'm sure you have a fan in your grow room, and this will spread it EVERYWHERE. One pollen sack can pollinate a field of females-- and one grain of pollen is light as a feather.

If you just HAVE TO do it for a friend-- thoroughly WASH DOWN the contaminated plants before putting them in your grow room. After that, do not let them touch your plants at all and keep the fan off the intruders so that it doesn't stir up or circulate the air around it.
Pollen gets EVERYWHERE! If his plants were pollinated, that means the pollen is on his plants- PERIOD. I'm sure you have a fan in your grow room, and this will spread it EVERYWHERE. One pollen sack can pollinate a field of females-- and one grain of pollen is light as a feather.

If you just HAVE TO do it for a friend-- thoroughly WASH DOWN the contaminated plants before putting them in your grow room. After that, do not let them touch your plants at all and keep the fan off the intruders so that it doesn't stir up or circulate the air around it.
Even if you manage to wash off all stray pollen I would still be seriously worried about pest introduction.
I'd say no way.
Too risky, you are putting your whole grow on the line.

But if you must, first shower them longer than you think to get the pollen off. Then DIP the plants completely, submerged totally in an insecticide solution.
Pollen is only one worry, who knows what bugs/disease may exist in his set-up that his clones harbor.

Practice safe cloning, and wear a condom at the exchange. :lol: