Some people say don’t flush at all some say do?

Someone commented earlier about flushing meaning different things to different people, that's very true.

I'm shocked/surprised that some people don't feed their plants for two weeks or whatever near the end of the crop, the idea is to let it mature not wither away.

I like to flush the root ball for a few days once they're ripe.

I'd say to the op to try both once ripe and make your own mind up.
Jesus, a plant in senescence is not ‘withering away’.
Every time I read one of these threads I here my wife's mother say flush that potty mouth ha ha ha and that would happen if you said a bad word ya you know like poop or sh*t
Holy shit, this is still going.
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We have ferreted out most of the people with really strong opinions. They got so worked up they had to go back to their confirmation bias workgroups (a.k.a. Facebook).

One returned briefly, but didn't like the tone and re-left.

My favorite was the guy who said it doesn't matter if you flush and posted an academic paper to bolster the point, but it suggested to not flush in the conclusion. It was a really great link, too!
I just took twelve tops off a clone I had to clear out of the tent a little before it's time.
I left the undergrowth to go an extra week and I'm going to "flush" it.
Just to see.
For one it's the same plant. Obviously same everything, except the second harvest will be "flushed".
I'll see if there is any difference once and for all.
I mean I already know the answer ... just want to back it up with "science".
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If you regard flushing as starving the plants for however long it doesn't require a connoisseur to tell the difference.
Try it with and without after the plants have matured.
So this likely won't be up much longer as I am sure it has caught the attention of the admins but while it is. They were kind enough to leave us to our fun but that can't last forever. Happy growing all.

flush me j.gif