Some Photos I Took : )


New Member
:lol: This guy is practically a pet, certainly a companion. We come across each other from time to time. He/she knows I mean no harm, like most of the wildlife on my property. I have a pair of Fox squirrels who make it a habit of coming over when they see me. :mrgreen:

Now I won't see that snake for a spell I think...that was an easy month or more of food. Chain of life continues, and death, intertwined like that snake and squirrel.

out. :blsmoke:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I have no life either....I sit in my yard and stare at my grow all day long....and whatever nature has in store for me.....gotta love it!


New Member
If you stay still in one place over a period of time, things will happen. Something i learned a while back.

I used to scuba dive quite a bit when I lived on the beach. We'd go out and dive in groups in 60-90ft. of water. I'd drop almost straight down and find a nice spot and just float about 2 ft off the floor....motionless. All the rest of the divers would all blaze away in different directions. After the dive (I'd be last up with tons of air), I'd say stuff like, :hey, did you guys see that shark?" Uhh no. "did you see that loggerback? uhh no..... etc etc... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Most things come to those who wait for it. My Dad told me young to never chase money. Just enjoy what you do, do it well, and the money will find you. He was right of course, but took me a decade to understand it fully. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
CJ What is that pic of the lizard?????? It looks like 2 or something?? I need to know what that is..

Hey, my hubby does what you do while diving! Everyone always says, "where's Rick? Laying on the bottom of the ocean?" The answer is always the same..."Yep"
Like you, he says you see more this way....


New Member
Hey, SUNNY!!

They are called race runners...and yes they CAN outrun you... :lol:

These folks are pretty tame and I can usually get a lot closer, but they were having a MOMENT together .

Yes, they are intertwined.... making whoopie!!

Hey, I'm glad I'm not the only one with the scuba diving. My very first dive (no license) was with this crazy but goodhearted ex Nam fellow named Smitty. He took me down off Biscayne bay back in the early 80's and borrowed his old mans boat. Takes me right out to whistling buoy to 135 feet of water. We dive down and there had to be at least 20 barracudas all hanging by the large chain anchoring the buoy. Smitty told me later that the Cudas dig the noise of the buoy. Only 5 minutes down he told me and don't move... just float... the cudas will come to us. He was right, and I learned a lesson that day. Many a lobster fell to us that week and a few more stories.... I'll post them sporadically.... :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
CJ thanks for the info! I could not figure that one out, lol!!

Here is a Barracuda and a Grouper that I saw while diving....The Grouper was the size of mini van...Also, a wreck we dive....



New Member
Great pics Sunny! Yeah, I went through a "phase" with diving...did it like crazy for about 6 years and haven't gone back to it. Enjoyed the night dives the best tho...full moon, 60 ft. heaven!! :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thanks CJ...Yeah we are divers. My husband has been diving for about 20 years, me 10 to 12...He is a Dive Master, I am Advanced Rescue....We love it. He started when he was a police officer, they trained him so he could pull bodies out of the Inner Harbour...He didn't like that so much but he really got the 'feel' for diving on a whole. So we all dive in my family. I think I will be 80 still diving!

Have a good night, I need to go for a run...I ate too many peanut butter eggs today...