Some Photos I Took : )


New Member
Ppl always concentrate on the coastal sunsets in Floriduh....and I have lived on the beach and now in the interior...and it is the interior which seems to produce the more stunning sunsets... IMO. :wink:

I moved my Mom into one of my houses, and she noticed it too as well. She was very surprised at the light shows.


Well-Known Member
With the weather CJ I am guessing these long cloud formations are warm fronts? seem to be quite a common cloud formation in those sunset pics of yours. Love it!!!

Peace, DST


New Member
That's actually on the cusp of an approaching cold front. Floriduh us just so flat, and cloudy and sunny (despite which season), we just get these tremendous and consistent sunsets.


Well-Known Member
You got that right, CJ was just righting a shopping list, going to take a walk up to the market, but it starts raining, again. Change from the snow I guess, haha.


New Member
Your year round skies are like our winter skies strictly speaking. I do enjoy the overcast low cloud skies though. I usually only go to Europe in the late fall or winter. Queens day is the warmest I have ever been, but living in Florida, I can't think of a better vacation.


New Member
Yes, that is an dillo. :lol:

This one knows us pretty well and let's us get up close....always on the move though. I hear them on moony nights....they make a distinctive sound when they walk. Actually, I can tell just about any animal in my night environment by sound ... everyone has a signature. You just have to spend the time learning them.

You can get lost in all of the choices available for canon cameras when it comes to lenses. I think you have made an excellent choice. You'll probably find the real sharpness at 3.5. It should take very nice macro shots..... :lol:


Well-Known Member
Love the Dillo, CJ cool pic.

And those little critters look like they are having a conflab about something...

I just pulled an empty cacoon off one of my jasmines today...little buggers. Luckily the moth that had came out of it was still sitting about on the floor so got squished.


Well-Known Member
I am normally nice to animals and plants, honest! I just kill moths that are flying around in my living room. hehe.