at least americans can smoke in 14 states for medical reasons and climbing.
im just waiting for OZ to jump on the bandwagon

,. though at the same time i see many problems with it, one of them on a moral standing. im of the belief that the governments have proved to us over the last century or so that they want nothing nor should have nothing to do with the plant. they turned there back on it and it was us the people who have kept it alive and made it what it is today.
i mean it would be hard enough to start out once its passed in yor state unless you already have money under your belt... what i mean by this is it will just be governmental companies and people with money that this will benefit in the long run... basically throwing it back in there with other commodities tobacco and shit like that. i much like the idea of just medicalized and kept on smaler scales giving family people a chance and a more mellow approch to the whole thing... no offense but from what ive heard on some streets over there its just a joke in some cases (AND I LOVE MY HERB SO THIS IS A BIG THING TO SAY FOR ME).
to me as i said before cannabis is the peoples plant... its a plant for the battlers trying to maintain there dayly life to unwind and help families stay afloat where i come from its normally a family your getting your medacine from. for years they have been doing there best to accomadate peoples needs with fear of procecution and i just find it unfair that some of them would lose there livelyhood as a result...
the problem being is to legalize even for medical uses would allow the government strait back in which goes against my beliefs hehe... sorry people this just got me thinking lol.
"Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety" Ben Franklin
though tbth ill vote for anyone whose going to allow me to grow my medicine in peace
and if everyone could we could make sure the government gets as little of ther hard earned money as possible i suppose.