Some Poetry


Well-Known Member
i twiddle my thumbs as i take a walk across the moon
im goin home soon, where its ok to be out of tune
im in bloom, thoughts drip from my chapped lips like nectar
pollinating the minds while the shine of my eye reflects her
sometimes i saw her twinkling and dancing among the stars
descending from the heavans and relishing in her scars
when she cries it rains cold, you can feel it chill your soul
when she smiles its alright, feel the sublte breeze and the sun light
i told her let me steal you, feel you, and heal you
im scared that all these broken promises are goin to kill you
she just smiled and it felt like everything was alright
the sun never shined so bright it almost blinded my sight
but i watched her die that night with the dreams of her being mine
ive watched every night since for the stars to regain their shine
i cant say that im fine, it doesn't get better with time
i join the crowded ine just looking for peace of mind.

this shits copyrighted bitches..


Active Member
like it alot man. I used to write poetry myself but it was more bout the streets n my experiences there. I really liked the flow you had.


Active Member
wagon wheels and orange peels,
smooth yellow bee’s, great giant trees,
somewhere to roam,
somebodies home,
in some lands somebodies throne

meetings in the midst of the mercury cavern, lights go off.
Pungent smell of plastic pesticide, sucking from the teat of life, something blue with orange stains, something like glue with orange veins.

theres plastic in the wind, theres acid in the rain,
after all that we’ve been through,
this is happening again…

I still can see the glowing sea, and the suns cool ring of mercury,
I still can see the glowing sea, and the suns cool ring of mercury,
colliding in the busy skies and falling right on to me

but the the wagon wheels, the older men, the dogs in the backyard, like pigs in a pen.
the dusty road we’ve always known, we’ve followed through the darkest nights, we’ve met its stragglers by the side of the road and summoned them to the night

dust is flying as the wagon rolls by, and I’ll sit on my yellow haystack watching nearby
sitting watching, waiting, observing,

pay no mind I’ve been here for years, sitting cross legged on my haystack with my hands in my tears


Active Member
pretty cool poetry, thanks,
heres one i wrote a while back

Something is coming
it's almost here
I've become so familar
to expect it near
In a darkend cloak
and a bare disquies
It parades before
my very eyes
But, I'm always accepting
for that's what I do best
evading the warnings
Ignoring the threat
Just to let it boil over
and then we will see
who was left standing
here you or me.