Some quick points for you atheists / satanists.

so... your thoughts forced that license plate to change? how exactly does the conjunction of thought and matter work?

no. the two happening together formed a 'meaningful coincidence'. Pattern recognition is a tool for a believer as much as it is for a skeptic (classic definition)

I add the meaning... are you aware that this is how new scientific ideas are created?
no. the two happen together formed a 'meaningful coincidence'. Pattern recognition is a tool for a believer as much as it is for a skeptic (classic definition)

I add the meaning... are you aware that this is how new scientific ideas are created?

Yes exactly, observation. The problem we pointed out is that you went from observation to conclusion without any support. It seems now that you simply meant it as a hypothesis, which is totally valid. The next step is attempting to falsify your hypothesis, so how do you suppose you would test something like that? Well, if an explanation exists which equally explains all evidence and offers fewer assumptions, then that would be a start.
Yes exactly, observation. The problem we pointed out is that you went from observation to conclusion without any support. It seems now that you simply meant it as a hypothesis, which is totally valid. The next step is attempting to falsify your hypothesis, so how do you suppose you would test something like that? Well, if an explanation exists which equally explains all evidence and offers fewer assumptions, then that would be a start.

...totally fair. I'll continue on with a less 'impressions based' response.
Yes exactly, observation. The problem we pointed out is that you went from observation to conclusion without any support. It seems now that you simply meant it as a hypothesis, which is totally valid. The next step is attempting to falsify your hypothesis, so how do you suppose you would test something like that? Well, if an explanation exists which equally explains all evidence and offers fewer assumptions, then that would be a start.

I'd like to add that 'dark energy' is still looking for support. I do not feel the responses by anyone here in the forum are any different. Some things are provable, but we are all trying to prove a lot of left over 'junk'.
-First off reigious belief is purely ignorant.
-That euphoric sensation you get after squander away an hour or so of ur life every sunday is only a simultion of the reward center of the brain saying you been a good obedient boy or girl.
-secondly anything you cant comprehend is and will explained with scince.And thoose near death expercences
-Athiesm is a wonderful thing, if it wasent for atheist and agnostics ALL of the magnificent strides the scientific comunity has we'ed still be ignorant and under the popes rule.
-There is no god."If a man smite thee on one cheek, smash him on the other."-LaVey Anton
"I am the true imbodiment of man no GOD no LIMITTAIONS just life."-Marcus Gomran
-What did the Jew say to the christian who walked in with the muslim &
-First off reigious belief is purely ignorant.
-That euphoric sensation you get after squander away an hour or so of ur life every sunday is only a simultion of the reward center of the brain saying you been a good obedient boy or girl.
-secondly anything you cant comprehend is and will explained with scince.And thoose near death expercences
-Athiesm is a wonderful thing, if it wasent for atheist and agnostics ALL of the magnificent strides the scientific comunity has we'ed still be ignorant and under the popes rule.
-There is no god."If a man smite thee on one cheek, smash him on the other."-LaVey Anton
"I am the true imbodiment of man no GOD no LIMITTAIONS just life."-Marcus Gomran
-What did the Jew say to the christian who walked in with the muslim &

- How is it ignorant, having no belief in a good higher being should be classed as ignroant
- Reward center? some people do it for other reasons..
- Science? ' energy cannot be created, nor destroyed ' explain the big bang.
- Fuck atheism..
How is it ignorant, having no belief in a good higher being should be classed as ignroant

It's inconsistent with reality. Atheism is the default position to hold. It takes a giant leap of faith and expulsion of reality to believe in God.

- Reward center? some people do it for other reasons..

Makes no difference to me why someone might believe it, it's still just as dangerous

- Science? ' energy cannot be created, nor destroyed ' explain the big bang.

"Science can't explain it so God dun it!". What created God? SUPER DUPER GOD!?

- Fuck atheism..

"Fuck a non position of a non belief I don't hold and don't understand! hmpf!"


Feel better?
more fun yeeeah
for those who do not know what the real meaning of ignoracne the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, ect.
one word singularity.
athism is a clear way to live and enjoy life and every thing in it with out feeling guilty about it I can covet my neighbors wife,endulg glutinously,view engraven images,and Murder my fellow man(my own personal up side),fornicate until my balls fall off and i can put myself before ALL without a stich of guilt and sleep like a infant on a tit
more fun yeeeah
for those who do not know what the real meaning of ignoracne the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, ect.
one word singularity.
athism is a clear way to live and enjoy life and every thing in it with out feeling guilty about it I can covet my neighbors wife,endulg glutinously,view engraven images,and Murder my fellow man(my own personal up side),fornicate until my balls fall off and i can put myself before ALL without a stich of guilt and sleep like a infant on a tit
just because i have some reservations about religion i am still a good person with morals
more fun yeeeah
for those who do not know what the real meaning of ignoracne the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, ect.
one word singularity.
athism is a clear way to live and enjoy life and every thing in it with out feeling guilty about it I can covet my neighbors wife,endulg glutinously,view engraven images,and Murder my fellow man(my own personal up side),fornicate until my balls fall off and i can put myself before ALL without a stich of guilt and sleep like a infant on a tit

i dunno about you but the way i look at history...there is alot more blood shed in the name of god than just random people killin other random people

This is an amazing point; @ 5:17

Dear Believer:
I do not accept the Bible as God’s word because it contains thousand of errancies and contradictions that can not be solved, only rationalized. I refuse to accept Jesus as my personal savior, for his behavior and teachings often expose one who should be escaped and not worshipped. I ask that you read this pamphlet in light of the bible’s teachings; Christians should be “open to reason” (James 3:17 RSV), that we should “reason together” (Isaiah 1:18) and “he who hates correction will die” (Proverbs 15:10) to understand my perspective that the bible has MANY shortcomings.
1. According to your Bible I am to believe that human kind is sinful for Adam and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge. Why are we being punished for the original sin? After all, they ate the forbidden fruit, we didn’t. Reason would lead one to say it’s their problem, not ours. Even the bible contradicts itself by claiming in Deuteronomy 24:16, “children shall not be punished for the sins of their fathers.”
2. We are told that the Bible has no scientific errors and is utterly perfect/protected, yet it says the bat is a bird (Leviticus 11:13 & 19), hares chew the cud (Leviticus 11:5-6), and some fowl (Leviticus 11:20-21) and insects (Leviticus 11:22-23) have four legs.
3. Heaven is supposed to be a perfect place. It is of course, the place you strive for and name “salvation”. Yet, it experienced a war (Revelation 12:7). How can there be a war in a perfect place and if it happened before why couldn’t it happen again? Why would I want to go to a place in which war can occur? That’s exactly what I’m trying to escape, aren’t you?
4. We are told salvation is obtained by faith alone (John 3:18 & 36) and then the Bible claims that it is repentance that shall save us (2 Peter 3:9) yet Jesus told a man to follow the Commandments-Matthew 19:16-1 8 (saving by works)-if he wanted eternal life. So which way is it and how do you know your belief is the correct one?
5. According to the text there are 29 cities listed in Joshua 15:21-32. One need only count them to see that biblical math is not to be trusted. The total is 36.
6. Surely you don’t believe Ecclesiastes 1:9 RSV (“What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun”)? How many cities had an atomic bomb dropped on them prior to 1945, and how many people walked on the moon before 1969?
7. If the Bible is our moral guide, then how can it make pornographic statements such as: “...they may eat their own dung and drink their own piss with you” (2 Kings 18:27)? Also consult Numbers 31 where a whole tribe of people, including the elderly and children are slaughtered. The only survivors were the virginal women, who were later raped by the “just and perfect” Moses and his men. Is that what you want your children reading on Sunday?
8. If God created everything, (Colossians 1:16, Ephesians 3:9, Revelation 4:11 & John 1:3), then he did create the world’s evil (Isaiah 45:7, Lamentations 3:38). Thus, he is responsible. Any being who could create situations such as rape, death, malnutrition, disease, molestation and murder is certainly not fit for worship.
9. For justice to exist, punishment must fit the crime. No matter how many bad deeds one commits in this world, there is a limit. Yet, hell’s punishment is infinitely greater. It’s eternal. Shouldn’t a sinner suffer until remorse is felt and the crime is atoned for? What “justice” is there in infinite damnation?
10. Jesus said, “whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire” (Matthew 5:22). Yet, he himself did so repeatedly, as Matthew 27:19, Luke 11:40 & 12:20 show. Shouldn’t he be in danger of hell too? Jesus also told us to “Love your enemies; bless them that curse you," but ignored his own advice by repeatedly denouncing his opposition. Matthew 12:34 (“0 generation of vipers”), and Matthew 23 :27 (“... hypocrites... ye are like unto whited sepulchres.“) are excellent examples of hypocrisy. If Jesus himself is a sinner by his own admission then surely he can not be the “perfect lamb of god”.
11. Except those of biased Christian writers, there isn’t one writing outside the Bible in all of ancient history that clearly refers to Jesus of Nazareth. The decision to dedicate my life to a deity requires at least one shred of conclusive evidence. Your lord knows non believers exist as a result of this, yet he makes no attempt to supply proof. How can the bible claim god wants all in heaven if he doesn’t make efforts to ensure that we all believe in him?
12. Paul says Christianity lives or dies on the Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:14-17). Yet Jesus made many promises concerning his return during the lifetime of his then followers. (Matthew 16:28: “There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom”. Matthew 23:36, 24:34, Mark.9:1, 13:30, Luke 9:27, 21:32 & John 21:22) None of these prophecies have come true. Does this not make Jesus a false prophet? If so wouldn’t that make Christianity invalid?
13. I find the idea that a man had to die for my sins revolting. If God was truly omnipotent he could have simply forgiven us. What kind of deity, would execute one child in order to forgive it’s others? Modern society would call an individual like this sadistic, insane and cruel. Surely, you would not worship a child killer, why do you expect me to? Would you find a judge worthy of the title who would allow my child to be executed in lieu of my sins?
14. John 14:12 states a follower in Jesus can perform any of his works and do it even greater. If you continue to insist I believe in Jesus, it is only fair I may ask of you to show just how strong your faith is. After all, you would be my “mentor” in Christ. I’m not a believer as of yet, but surely you are. Would you mind perhaps resurrecting a dead relative or walking on water?
15. Okay, obviously you didn’t do number 14 and backed out with the “this is metaphorical” excuse. Surely you can try Mark 16:17-1 8 which says believers can drink “any deadly thing” and “it shall not hurt” them. But I don’t think you would be naive enough to drink any arsenic offered. Perhaps I’m wrong and you would be willing to test the Book’s veracity-”lay it on the line” so to speak?
16. All right, so now you have backed out of two of my questions. I’m starting to think you don’t really care about my salvation as much as you claim. Well, unlike your Jehovah, I shall be kind and offer a third chance at redemption. Consider Jesus’ teaching in Luke 6:30 “Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.” Perhaps, if you emptied your wallet and “give of thee” I may seriously ponder accepting Jesus as my savior. A far greater number of Biblical discrepancies can be found on the web at the following addresses:
ill just leave these here...

...these are funny, and I actually like this guys' approach.

Turning water into wine is a matter of transmutation. Hell is a condition felt here on earth. Look around. Hell is man's lower nature, which, at present, is the ruling order.

I find it funny how people can pull a trigger then say "why does god let people suffer?"

I agree though that some sects of christianity use forgiveness as an excuse to do stupid things. But these people would use some other excuse if they were not christians so...

The extreme 'right' of christianity is a little 'off' to me. guns n' stuff...for a knowingly persecuted sect. :?

*I don't know how much I like posting on a thread with this title. I don't have any points for anyone specifically, more just adding a few words here and there. It all seems so judgmental.