Some random bagseed.

This is my first post and I am trying to figure out the which is dominate in this bagseed. Indica or Sativa?

I am on day 52 and I have some nice trichroms. I ordered a couple mircroscopes from Amazon (digital and handheld), but they won't be in for a few weeks. I have been watching them with the naked eye and some appear to be more cloudy/plastic looking as opposed to clear/glass. I just think the buds on/or closer to the middle stem could bulk up a bit.

I don't want to harvest too early since I feel that would be a waste but I do have some nice aquaponically grown Original Amnesia and Norther High Lights that I want to put in my bloom room. So I want the space.


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Well-Known Member
broad leaves are usually kush and narrow long leaves sativa but today everything is hi bred. those are weeks away from ready.
These were a some random seeds from what we call "mids" or "fifty" some neglected brick weed possibly Mexican cartel weed which I don't like supporting but that's why I decided to grow..

Each plant could possibly be different. The buds looked mixed to me with noticeably different shades of green.

The ones grown in my DWC using humboldt county's own nutrient line seemed to have some enormous fan leaves.

But the ones grown in happy frog soil using Humbodt Nutrients had smaller fan leaves and skinnier blades.

I will get better pics when my bloom light comes on.
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