Some random problems, searching for advice


Active Member
All plants pictured have been growing in the room pictured under the 37 watt halogen bulb pictured. I have been giving them 24hr light which I plan on cutting back after reading some posts. Also the closet has an temp that is slightly above room temp. The door is opened a few time a day for air circulation and a small fan run to move air. The leaves have been developing about a set a day, also the largest plant pictured went in the room for two days and responded with new sets all the way up the stalk. The plants all seem fine but the slow rate of size growth concerns me, they have remained quite small about 1" to 2 1/2" tall but they still produce almost a set of leaves every 2 days or so. Most were planted sprouts that were started about four weeks ago (except for large plant! and smaller plants in little peat pots about 3 wks). I want to know if I should get more bulbs in there or just move them to regular sunlight or use the sun and the room together. Also the last pictured plants which are the two smaller ones in small square peats pots have yellow tips and are drooping a bit. Any thoughts?? thanks much!!

