some real advice please!?

hope full

Active Member
Nope, im sure there are some that are but this ones deff indy, 8 week to 9 week flower time, its all about his heart, I just starts beating fast and hard makes him feel like hes gonna die..
A panic attack will not cause death. They are terrifying, but do not cause lasting physical damage. Your friend should google counselors that provide services on a sliding scale (costs are based on income). Many community health clinics and student run clinics provide services for little money for those who do not have insurance and do not have much disposable income.


Well-Known Member
I have no clue uncle lol thank you so much, and yes from what hes said its just the heart thing, he smokes realizes his shits beatin fast and hard and booom, balls to the wall panic!tears me up to see him like that, wish I could help more cause I know how much m.j and to be honest I notice how hes changed since he quif, he seemed more vibrant when he used to smoke nit so much stressesd..
You can help dont let him smoke weed!he obviously has a imbalalnce.What he needs is a good 3 hit trip of LSD.With chicks that makes his fantasies come true!Maybe some x too?


Well-Known Member
You can help dont let him smoke weed!he obviously has a imbalalnce.What he needs is a good 3 hit trip of LSD.With chicks that makes his fantasies come true!Maybe some x too?
I think that might get his heart rate a little bit high. just a little.