Some root breakage when transplant


:leaf:I transplanted my ak48 today and in doing so i broke some of the roots. The roots were prolly 10 inches long before and now are about 4-6 inches. Wil this kill my plant or will it recover?:leaf:


Active Member
ouch thats really gonna stress out your plant

it will come back but its going to take a very very long time


Well-Known Member
Add a touch of hydrogen peroxide in the water next time you feed it. Just a touch. This will help to supply the roots with oxygen and help to promote growth.


A bit new to this arnt you, depending on how the roots are growing, for example, if they start getting root bound to the pot, cutting back roots is necessary to promote them to grow into there new medium, it dose take them a little while to recover, but thats only because the plant spends more energy growing new roots to support future growth, dont forget that cuttings start with no roots at all, just a bit cut off the plant, so no it should be fine, these are weeds after all, you can butcher them back to almost nothing and still regrow them.


Active Member
Add some Superthrive to the water if this happens to help ease the shock. Add it with transplants anyways.

A "stimulation" of the roots is no problem, but you caused your plant some serious stress. I would wager that everything will be just fine if you provide the appropriate TLC over the coming weeks. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
As other have said, you should be fine not ideal thing to happen but recoverable nonetheless. There are a couple of things to help your baby, think I'm just reiterating what others have said again but it is sound advise.

1. Use something like superdrive to help reduce the effects of shock.
2. A good root stimulator will help reduce the amount of 'grow' time lost to the damage, this Greenfuse root stimulator is good.
3. Some extra H20 added to the water by means of hydrogen peroxide will help the roots recover and help stop any disease getting in.

I know these are all Growth Technology products, I'm not advertising for them just In the UK we don't get as much choice and their products are readily availible and they pretty much have everything you could ever need.


ok so i have ak48 and swiss cheese growing and they are like two weeks into flowering and i havent used anything for food besides this organic fert 4-4-4. Is it necessary to give them nutes or will they be ok?