Some Seedlings Turning Yellow and White


Hi there, first time timer here; I have had some tips from other people for starting up, but it seems my seedlings have taken a turn for the worse.

They started out just fine after germination all was well and, although they stretched quite a bit really early on due to light not being close enough. I am using four 65w 6500k CFLs in a box and have fans etc to keep air moving and temp controlled.

There are a period of about 3-4 days when i was experimenting with lighting and mylar etc where it was upwards of 95F in the box which shocked them im sure, but they seemed ok after controlling the temp. Ever since then they have steadily been turning yellow then white/purple on the leaves but appear to still be alive (aka the leaves are not crispy in the least).

I have been watering them with water run through a Brita filter then left to sit overnight as to try and rid as much chlorine as possible. The water was applied initially by pouring and wetting the dirt, but I have since switched to a spray bottle to mist the leaves and keep the dirt moist. The pH of the water is around 6.5-7.0.

Since the period of high temps, I have got the temp down to a steady 76F-81F. The four CFL bulbs are hanging approx 6 inches from the top of the seedlings.

They don't seem to be greening back up, as its been 10 days that they have been like this. I am reluctant to think it is a nutrient deficiency this early, although they have been in the box for almost 25 days, so maybe its time?

I have attached some pictures that you guys can use to possibly judge what my problem might be. Notice the first picture, the plant appears to be very green and healthy, that was taken 4/19/2010, the latter pictures showing the white leaves are from a couple days ago (5/1/2010) (condition hasn't really changed).

I would appreciate any input!



JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
if your misting the leaves with the lights on then the water droplets could act as a magnifing glass and can cause bleaching. you should foilar feed when the lights are off any ways. FYI the leaves have very small pores and only open up at night.
would the bleaching of the leaves from the water droplets cause the whole leaf to turn white? i would think if he was misting there would only be a few drops on the leaf and only cause bleached spots.. and would it cause the leaf to start drooping like that?


Thanks for the replies.

The leaves began showing the yellow/whitening effects before i started misting them, so hopefully the magnifying effect is ruled out. Also what type of fertilizer would you suggest for foilar feeding? I know that a mix of something close to 20-5-5 is a good start but I still would need to get the supplies. I kind of want to be sure before fertilizing.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
Once bleaching sets in it will take over a leaf for sure. I havnt seen it in person or up close in years tho so IDK. drooping could be a watering problem. to much water washed away nutes that were in the soil. you could try a level nute 17-17-17 or 20-20-20 at like 1/6 the strenth to see if you can bring them back.


Here is a better picture of what is happening to the biggest plant. I noticed a brown color starting to move up the bigger leaves. Does this look like a nutrient deficiency or something else?


JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
i wouldnt foilar feed them while they are this little. i dont foilar feed at all my self. it can cause your leaves to become super thin like tissue paper. Your new growth is coming in green and then bleaching out, or at least thats what it looks like. what kind of soil are you using.


I used some Hyponex Potting Soil from the local hardware store; couldn't find Fox Farms, etc. Supposedly organic cedar grove soil with some bark. People have said in the past that it isn't terribly rich in nutrients.


Alright, I picked up some 16-16-16 all purpose. Its in pellet form. Whats you recommendation for application? Dissolved in water or direct application to soil?