Some seeds never sproted

Hi all i planted 10 seeds in jiffy pellets.afther 4 days 8 came through. I waited a week and the other two nothink happend.i carfully opend the jiffy pellets i found the seeds,and not even opend.i may of for got to squeez the excess water out and may be bit to deep. I replanted these two seeds in soil pots will they start to germate now or are they dud seeds.
Hi all i planted 10 seeds in jiffy pellets.afther 4 days 8 came through. I waited a week and the other two nothink happend.i carfully opend the jiffy pellets i found the seeds,and not even opend.i may of for got to squeez the excess water out and may be bit to deep. I replanted these two seeds in soil pots will they start to germate now or are they dud seeds.
Who knows but I’ll guess duds now. Where did you get them?
Just Hope they start properly now.i was meaning are they dud now as the jiffy pellets were to wet.cant belive i for got to squeez the excess water out.the other 8 were fine.gutted ive wasted two seeds. Just hope ive not drowned them. Look forward to just using the meduim in small cutting pots next time round.
Just Hope they start properly now.i was meaning are they dud now as the jiffy pellets were to wet.cant belive i for got to squeez the excess water out.the other 8 were fine.gutted ive wasted two seeds. Just hope ive not drowned them. Look forward to just using the meduim in small cutting pots next time round.
They should have at least opened. Too wet or not. The germ of the seed has no clue it’s sopping wet outside.
You might contact Seedsman. Nobody offers replacements but might send you more freebies next order.

Add: don’t tell them you might have fucked up. You’re an expert grower and quite upset you’ve wasted time and money.
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It happens. I've read dozens of posts where people can't successfully germinate seeds. You got 80% germination. 100% would be better but even those of us that have been popping seeds for decades sometimes have a couple that don't pop. For a newer grower you're doing pretty good at 80% compared to many others.
Is there a reason to why some dont dont germinate. I do 10 at a time gutted two never came i mention i placed in small cutting pots with light meduim.just in the hope they work second time round if not i settle with the 8.
You have no idea how fresh the seeds you bought online are. They could've been sitting around for years, even though seedsman is quite reputable. I've seen "duds" pop off after they've been planted weeks earlier too so be patient. Increased humidity and room temps or slightly higher can help.
Try planting directly to mild soil:
Use a small vessel like a yogurt cup with holes or slits popped in the sides & bottom for drainage. Fill them with soil & plant your seeds. Water until moist with a hand sprayer. Cover each cup loosely with a ziplock bag for humidity. You may need to pull off the baggie & respray with water like every couple days. Keep the soil moist but never drenched. Once they pop you can take off the baggie and place under lights. Sometimes even just the heat from the light will help pop them off.
It happens, I get some seeds with huge tap roots after 24hrs and some in the same tissue is still dormant.
I'm no expert but like hotrodharley said seeds don't drown, plants do. Some growers put seeds in water until they pop so if your seed was intact inside a soaked jiffy plug, it didn't drown. Once they pop is the danger zone for us relative newbies. 8 for 10 is good IMO.