some shit that look like bud but def not??????

where can I get this heroin/coke infused weed? I got to try some and I haven't done any hard drugs in years.
X's 2 on calling BULLSHIT!
this is some of the craziest shit i ever herd a smoker saying haha. maybe you just shouldnt smoke weed you dont seem cut out for it. unless you are buying that fake shit, id say you just dont like what the weed does to you.
Ok how about this off topic especially for the guy that thinks either 1 i dont like weed or 2 i just flapping(bullshitting
Anyway my new prob is i got an ak47 female plant growing got the seeds from a bcseed depot and since hurricane sandy destroyed my box and a very nice plant that was in bud stage i had to start all over! Anyway restarting isnt the main prob the problem is i didnt have anymore seeds left but i did have a friend of mine i gave 2 seeds to and he planted them. So i got one of his very small plants that he started with my seeds and transplanted it into my new and improved grow box(homemmade)by me)anyway the prob with the plant at only 4inches tall is that my friend was growing it in dirt using natural light so since i gave it to him about 3 months or so ago (figure like early sept) the plant when i got it a week or 2 ago has allready gone into flowring being that in nyc our natural daylight changes enough in octorber/november with winter coming!!!!so my question is what should i do with this not too healthy looking of a allready started to flower(minimally)plant????? Continue to flower even tho it very small or is there a way to trick the plant back into veg without comprimising health and or quality of final product and size of yiel???????please help im not bshitter or a kid just cant get any good weed here in the city anymore thru all my past connects so ive decided to grow my own lol but im having some issues oh and 1 last thing
Since ive gotten this sickly ak47 fem plant back ive had the 300watt cfl on 24hr a day hoping it bring some health back to the plant
Little kid i wish if i was i wouldnt be so worried bout the fact i might be smoking crazy laced weed like with heroin or coke ! Just got more bud same prob too strong for pure bud and it taste funny too y i getting the garbage i getting eventho life and people in it without saying it directly are like im forcing the issue of getting high/stoned being that right now at my age after 30 im still living home so if i would just chill out and relax i guess for a very hard and loong moinute within due time sooner than later so i hope everything will clear up and if i wanna blaze and get stoned fine if i dont fine the same but in the meantime if u try to do any of the above , just get fucked! And this is why i got ny ny tattoeed around my wrist cause we go so hard we will destroy one of our own for not following protocol/ orders more so even tho i agree with them 0 much

are you serious? your 30 years old and you still live at home with mommy. lmfao, I think your just loosing your mind living in momma's basement. who in their right mind would lace weed with coke or heroin and not charge extra? I know I'd be charging more its a good $60 + for a gram of dope in mass somtimes you can get some blow a little cheaper but not too much but to lace the cheapest drug you can get and still charge street value I call bullshit on that one. get your shit together pal grow some weed sell it and get your own place your never gonna get pussy living with your mother maybe a mail order bride if your lucky. lol
Ok how about this off topic especially for the guy that thinks either 1 i dont like weed or 2 i just flapping(bullshitting
Anyway my new prob is i got an ak47 female plant growing got the seeds from a bcseed depot and since hurricane sandy destroyed my box and a very nice plant that was in bud stage i had to start all over! Anyway restarting isnt the main prob the problem is i didnt have anymore seeds left but i did have a friend of mine i gave 2 seeds to and he planted them. So i got one of his very small plants that he started with my seeds and transplanted it into my new and improved grow box(homemmade)by me)anyway the prob with the plant at only 4inches tall is that my friend was growing it in dirt using natural light so since i gave it to him about 3 months or so ago (figure like early sept) the plant when i got it a week or 2 ago has allready gone into flowring being that in nyc our natural daylight changes enough in octorber/november with winter coming!!!!so my question is what should i do with this not too healthy looking of a allready started to flower(minimally)plant????? Continue to flower even tho it very small or is there a way to trick the plant back into veg without comprimising health and or quality of final product and size of yiel???????please help im not bshitter or a kid just cant get any good weed here in the city anymore thru all my past connects so ive decided to grow my own lol but im having some issues oh and 1 last thing
Since ive gotten this sickly ak47 fem plant back ive had the 300watt cfl on 24hr a day hoping it bring some health back to the plant

If I've got it straight you've transplanted a plant from a more natural setting to a pot in a closed box and have been giving it non stop light... She needs dark time to rest. In my opinion, just put her on a normal schedule and if she's gonna survive she's gonna survive...
Weed would only be laced with silica
I have heard about people mixing crack+weed in joints
Obviously that's not the case here so its probably silica
If you look at the weed under a scope and it looks like crystalline webs then its silica blasted
I want to know how they lace weed with heroin just dump some on the weed and let it dry?>plants don't uptake heroin or coke in their nutrients(it's impossible)

Plants would just die before uptaking those chemicals
This shit had me 1 cracking the funk up 2 thinking the op doesn't know anything talking about superweed... persay ha Sorry to bump an old thread but this had me cracking up
We used to buy some shit back in the day that was laced with dust, that's why we bought it, and we were charged for it, people don't lace weed this thread is funnier than that time when I was 16 sitting on the curb with a girl from the hood playing truth or date all slick I lay back in the grass when I stay skein fog poop and stay feeling a wet spot forming on my back, I sit up and you guessed it I was on my way home too clean the poop of my shirt
Ok to all u people laughing at me if u lived in NYC right Nw ud know that its a hit or miss these days why u dunno with weed it now months later after the post and I picked up two ounces that seemed and smelled like good dank bush but after smoking it latlst night with a few friends we all woke up feeling as if we smoked pine sol dipped or sprayed weed I been smoking since 1998 hydro only and in the past 5 or so maybe 7 Yeats haven't gotten any good reputable like I'd suggest or put anyone else on to smoking what I've smoked garbage garbage garbage if any of u wanna help ill give a place we cam meet or a place u can male me weed too being that I gotta return two ounces Noè allready spoke to friend /dealer and told him its garbage
the most ill do to make it a tad mroe tasty
I guess I should feel privileged to have such considerate dealers. They seem to buy nothin but good bud.

Here's a few buds from a ounce of grape ape i got for 240, not bad for "street" weed :).

Had to read through all 4 pages of this thread to see if it was a joke. Unbelievable, "dump cocaine or heroin into your res."! At least I got a few good laughs today. Thanks for that.
This has been the funniest shit ive heard all day! I'm at a loss right now.... How about everyone just grow their own like the rest of us and not worry about this Black market shit
Stop getting the bunk from your dealer. Find someone else over 21 that can get it for you. This thread is over a year old now. Something doesn't sound right.