some small spots. Whats up


Well-Known Member
All my babies are from the same mother plant and the mother plant has had no issues whats so ever. This one plant is starting to show some signs of weird spots. What does rollitup think?



If you have a magnifying glass try looking for spider mites or eggs on the underside of the leaves. Spidermites will also spin webs so look for that, might not be cobwebs. I'm not really sure if that's what that is, but it's worth looking for. Might be a nute deficiency by the way the veins of the leaves are turning white. Spider mights are attracted to the chlorophyll , green stuff. Keep an eye out and good luck, they look pretty, 7 leaf-er


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately it looks like spider mite damage to me, as myotis suggested. If you can see small black specks moving slowly on the underside of your fan leaves, you've got mites. :( The leaves with the most white spots on the top will be the ones you'll most likely find the mites on.

Also are you using HPS/MH lighting? If so can you turn it off and use normal lighting to take the pictures, so we can see the colors more clearly?


Well-Known Member
Its definetly spider mites. I can see some webbing between leaves and some small black dots. I lowered temps to 60-65 to slow there production and throw in 100+ lady bugs. Should do the trick soon :). Ill update in a few days