Some sort of stress help!


Hi guys

I am 2.5 weeks into flowering and am having a bad problem with 2 train wreck and 2 skunk no1 for the last 1.5 weeks and have tried different things to no avail including superthrive.

Before my troubles all of these plants during growing were looking amazing and bushy!

New leaves are now also being plagued by this nurtient burn sort of looking discolouration however I flushed with plain water and only fed it water for 4 days with no change. I tried epsom salt and ph down as the ph was slightly high.

I must add that one night I did mess up the timer for the heater and when I went in the next morning it was about 95F and the plants had wilted some what, I did water straight away and they did recover by the end of the day, I am worried this might of caused this damage.

I have uploaded an image whilst the lights are on, its only one of the skunk no 1 wreck ill try to get more and in detail just before the lights go out.

I think this one pic sums up my problem and all the others look more or less the same.

Thank you!



Well-Known Member
Looks like major nute burn. The effected leaves will never recover. Keep an eye on the new growth for signs of improvement. What type of soil are you using?


Active Member
Thanks for the reply

its plagron light mix as found here

Should I just keep flushing and giving no nutes?

dude! You're using a soil that has pre mixxed ferts in it, and you're adding nutes. A lot of people fuck up like this. I don't do dirt anymore, but when I'd mix my soil it would everything in so as not to need nutes for 7 weeks!! 50 days of NO MORE NUTES.

You've basically got the same thing, except you didnt mix it yourself. There's enough nutes in there already, and now your adding more?

Again I can;t stress to the beginner enough, DON'T USE PRE MIXXED SOIL. It's only good for growers who really know what they're doing, and ironically most of us still would never use it, because we'd rather mix our own! Pre mix can be OK, but then again don;t double fertilize it by adding's already in there!


Well-Known Member
Get a 5 gallon bucket per each plant put 3 gallon of water in it that is Ph to a 5.5 and add 10 drops of superthrive per gallon of water and 1/4 tsp Epsom salt per gallon.

Now take the plant out of the dirt and gently remove the dirt and with a very weak water stream then put each plant in the 5 gallon buckets for a couple of hours. This will help unlock the plant fast you should be able to see your plant leaf system start to stand back up, since you have time released nut in the soil you can never really leach all the inorganic salts out.

The burnt leaves are done, I would almost re-veg them until it heals but that's me.

P.s. on your next grow try adding 1/2 tsp (2ml) Dyna-Gro Pro-Tekt every gallon of water this will help that plant build more tissue and it will be able to take higher temps

Good luck with what ever way you take to fix your plant.


Thanks very much for the advice guys really appreciate it.

The plants have been in the readymix soil for the last 2 months, I didnt feed it for about 1 month after they were put in there.

I was told not to feed it until after 2 weeks, they were looking great up untill about 3 weeks ago.

I think it might be something to do with the epsom salt as I was having some other kind of leaf stress and thought I had it down to mag deficiency

I will do as you said spl1 and flush it out but what soil should I put it back into? should I just get some plain soil?

Thank you!