Some tasty lookin Ice-Cream (with Pics), but when to start flushing...?

This is my 3rd grow and i'm pretty clued up as to all the theory...

Got some Ice-cream (from Paradise seeds, feminised) which i've heard flowers later than the quoted time and takes a long while to fully ripen...

Ive got some close-up pics and whilst i can see a fair few amber trich's on most pics, i can also see a lot a clear trich's (maybe 10% amber/20% clear/70% cloudy)

I've also got a pic of one (of four) plants as a whole for your viewing pleasure, its not the best but its the furthest along (i also know i've had nutrient problems - in particular a major Mg deficiency at one point, and now a Nitrogen deficiency but it doesn't look like anything more than the end of flowering usually creates. but the buds themselves have been unaffected and only fan leaves suffered)

I want to know people's opinions on when i should start the flush (which will last a week to 1.5 week)...

i'm thinking soon, maybe after another half week with nutes...

FYI - the photos were taken with my 8Mp DSLR, i used extension tubes to get the super-close ups (better than a microscope in my opinion)

the images had to be reduced in size unfortunately, but should still be decent quality



Active Member
theres alot of controversy to flushing,if you using lots of sythetic additives in hydro,its best to flush for a while,but if your using organs in soil,theres almost no point

nice looking plants brother,wanted to try ice cream for ages


Well-Known Member
my last flush was for a week. i didn't really notice any more bud filling or production in a week more or less. just flush... you get better tasting bud and burns better.

past times

Well-Known Member
I cant wait to get a cool ass camera and some lenses to do stuff like that. How many weeks has it been going so far?
been flowering for bout 7 weeks now (maybe 6.5) i haven't been lookin at the dates....

you dont need amazing lenses, just get a DSLR and then buy some 'extension tubes' (my cam is a the canon 350d, that bout 4 yrs old or more, its not about the megapixels (mine is just 8mp), just get a DSLR...

gonna start flushin soon unless someone has a good reason not to......

past times

Well-Known Member
i cant say no on the flush...unless u are in soil. in that case, one major flush with a half week to go is enough...and in that case i would wait at least anothre week. You want couch lock or upitty