SOME1 tell me about INDOOR and OUTDOOR


New Member
:joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::joint:lol im just register today.then i have 1 questtion 4 ur guys,pls answear me yeah,i just order 1 WWseed today,and i ll get in about 2 week more,and mw seed was (indoor,out door).SO can i grow it from seed to veng,then when i let my plant sleep 4 flowering.can i bring em out door 4 last 8-12week flowering.It like i grow it indoor since seed to veng,then out door when they do flowering??that all i want to know.GUys pls let me know about it.It the 3rd times i try to grow it,so i dont want mess it up again,2last time my plant dead,i dont wntok,sry about my bad EN,:weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:


Virtually Unknown Member
If the advertising said (indoor/outdoor) they will grow in either. You can start them inside until there're bigger and then put outside and let them bud. Make sure you have enough light inside, (not just sunlight)


Well-Known Member
If outdoor for flower you will be waiting a long time until the hours of sun are correct to induce flowering. She will keep vegging until mother natures goes 12-12....


New Member
lol.that what i want,but i found we got many pp doing in this way.i know how to get em flowering guys,im grower and dealer em longtime ago in uk.but im just grow em indoor,so i ever try grow outdoor,that why!so like growindad say,maybe the sunset outdoor cant make my plant fowering on time,so in my country we get summer in may,and the temp from 80f --> it fine then?And about 12-12.ill get em outdoor in the week 3 of flowerring time,when they give small bud,that ll ok then,becuz when they do flowering they cant get back to vegging right.


Well-Known Member
I am sorry but I don't totally understand. For veg indoor you have lights on 18 hrs. When you change that to 12 hrs, the plant thinks it is fall and starts to flower. You would have to figure out when the outdoor harvest would be in your country.


Well-Known Member
You can put the girls outside whenever you want . You just can't harvest them until the end of summer. Mother nature will dictate that . The reason many people grow indoors is that you can fool nature by timers and light cycles. I sure hope you can read English better than you type.


New Member
im understand all u guys said,but im EN bad that why i type bad too,lol,im been in uk longtime ago,im growing them indoor like normal and easy,but now i want venge them in door and do fowering them in door,and week3 of fowering,when they have small BUd.then i want get em out door,that ll work?any1 try do it before?and in my country the temperture 80-90F


Virtually Unknown Member
im understand all u guys said,but im EN bad that why i type bad too,lol, your English is better than my trying to type/speak your native language! im been in uk longtime ago,im growing them indoor like normal and easy,but now i want venge them in door and do fowering them in door,and week3 of fowering,when they have small BUd.then i want get em out door,that ll work? Yes but if you don't have enough light outside during your daytime, you may not get big buds any1 try do it before?and in my country the temperture 80-90F Temp should be ok.

becuz when they do flowering they cant get back to vegging right.? Right, unless the light during the day is long like 18 hours.If light stays 12/12 outside plant stays in flower.


New Member
lol,ty ur guys then,and in my country in summer the day light start in 6am to 6pm,so is that ok 4 them,that like 12-12 then.and i dont have any nutri i just have super thirve that im gonna grow dank i just water em onlny.that ll be ok 4 them?


Well-Known Member
U have to give them nutriants. Other wise they will die, or be really little and have little buds. but yes 6-6 is 12 hours for perfect flowering.


New Member
TY every1 comment from yous,and in my country,we get sumer in MAY,then the temp is 80,90F,the sun up in 6am to 6pm,so i was think if i put em outside in daylight alfter they folwering 3week(when we see tiny BUD)im ll bring em to outside 4 get some fresh air, nature.SO my plant will growing normal like in door,that is my plan i wanna show u guys,then i want ask every1 to help me then.


Active Member
LMAO, this has to be a troll . There is no other way to explain this shit.

Broken English or the first time growers knowledge? I would say the latter strolls through pretty consistently through the year basically because we all start somewhere, I didn't really think he came off as a troll tbh, it seems to be legitimately wanting to know, but simple google searches could direct him to questions asked 1,000 times, and varying opposing opinions which can be more dangerous then not looking it up and asking someone with experience :p.


New Member
but i dont have any nutri in my country,all shit,and i fail 2 times in 2011,2012 whitewdidow i dont want mess it up this time,i ll grow them only water at all,so i thinked they wont die 1more time,so i want ask u guys about it,so can i water them only?it call dank weed?