SOME1 tell me about INDOOR and OUTDOOR


Well-Known Member
If outdoor for flower you will be waiting a long time until the hours of sun are correct to induce flowering. She will keep vegging until mother natures goes 12-12....
nope, dnt post unless you actually have knowledge reguarding the subject you speak of. Outdoor plants(actually indoor as well) flower when light hrs are decreasing. not when you swich to 12-12, not when your plant recieves 12 hrs of dark, but flowers when your plant recognizes the fact that light hrs are decreasing. Outdoor plants, I believe use other factors as well such as changing color of the light spectrum as we progress into fall and possibly temps as well, but the big factor, is when the summer solstice hits and light hrs are decreasing. Mother nature doesnt hit 12/12 until well into sept, if our plants didnt flower till then, there'd be no season. as for vegging inside and flowering outdoors, thats gonna require a little knowledge of the light cycles your working with,say keep it on 18 /6 inside and then bring it out any time after the solstice, or shortly before. Question is why, your plants can be appropriately vegging outside and doing much better than they would inside at this point in time. your just creating more work for yourself


Well-Known Member
TY every1 comment from yous,and in my country,we get sumer in MAY,then the temp is 80,90F,the sun up in 6am to 6pm,so i was think if i put em outside in daylight alfter they folwering 3week(when we see tiny BUD)im ll bring em to outside 4 get some fresh air, nature.SO my plant will growing normal like in door,that is my plan i wanna show u guys,then i want ask every1 to help me then.
No, not if you use 12/12 to switch, if you swich to 12/12 inside, let them flower 3 weeks, and then put them out, say, august when outdoor plants naturally begin flower, the light cycle will be 2 hrs more than your 12/12 cycle, which really puts a mind fuck on your plants, and can cause them to reveg. In order to do it like you said, you need to initate flower by slowly shaving time of your schedule, say maybe a half hr a week, so slowly over a period of time you get from 18/6, to say 14/10, which is what it is in august here when plants begin flowering. this way youve initiated flower with a slow drop while not differing from the outdoor cycles. Your indoor cycle doesnt need to be spot on with the outdoor cycle, but your indoor cycle CAN NOT be any lower than your number of outside hrs. Its kinda hard to explain typing it, but you getting the jist of it? As I said its gonna require some knowledge of the light hrs your working with and an understanding of how the plant flowers, imo its more trouble than its worth I get the fact that your gonna have an earlier harvest, but the plants wont be nearly as big, having done pretty much all there growing indoors, and I also dnt think the last weeks of flowering being outside, will be as beneficial to the plant as you think. I vote:
A.) you stay indoors and finish them there
B.)you veg and flower outside


Well-Known Member
and ,i do know what im taling about. i garunteee my shit in my room this batch is waaaaaaaaay bettttterr than urs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ide veg the fuck out of them indoors until its warm out side plant them asap out side and after it flowers youll have a shit tone mabe 4 pounds each ! be smart be greedy , make money, your a medical drug dealer, have to love it,


Well-Known Member
ide veg the fuck out of them indoors until its warm out side plant them asap out side and after it flowers youll have a shit tone mabe 4 pounds each ! be smart be greedy , make money, your a medical drug dealer, have to love it,
seriously?wheres the dislike button for fucks like this


New Member
lmao.omg that my plan lol,i want get em out when the sun up and hot,like 80-90F,that ll make em flowering nice and kool,better than in door,cuz em get sun light,fresh air, we gonana plan em outsoor when the summer come then let em flowering out there then ok


New Member
and sure im grower the dealer,smoker and get jail 4 em too lol,longtime ago in london man,that was my life 4 real


Well-Known Member
That would suck. i have to missdemeaners for possesion of mariujana a few years ago. but thats all. But now im leagle.