somebody help me please (pics)


Active Member
can anyone tell me how to help my sweet babies

not sure why there turning funny colors like this

any answers would be great


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Got any more info like pot size watering cycle.Looks like possible over water or maybe nitrogen deficiency.Hows the ph levels of the soil and water with any nutes?


Active Member
1gal bags for now but plan to bump up to 5 gals for the long haul

dont really now how to mess with ph levels and i use flora-nova

i really dont think i over-water but i guess it's possible

1000 watt hps if that matters/ good venting and about 82 degrees in the light


Active Member
i use only chose flora-nova nutes due to sugestion

i was looking for a one part nute that didnt invovle alot of attention

what about that???


Well-Known Member
PH'ing isn't difficult and it can be the difference between a healthy plant and a sick plant. You need to PH your water and soil or expect to have sick plants. You can get a kit to check water ph at a pet store(used to check water in fish tanks) or a garden center.