Somebody shit on my site


Well-Known Member
....could have been much worse.....the title of your thread could have been ..
Someone shit on my plants and stole them. Dont panic it's organic..


Well-Known Member
Lmao.. this shit was funny.. im sure they didnt see your plants tho... its pretty nasty to think about tho


lol im sure they saw my plants. its way too close the spot where he dumped at. this thread is a bit silly but im always usually joking but this really happened. I say warning because he shit right on the narrow part i have to cross to get to the other side. I hope to atleast get my autoflower crops before rippers take effect.

Anyway im backing up my files and installing windows 7 again. ill def have the pixxorz 2morrow.


Well-Known Member
does a bear shit in the woods?
Did ya hear the one about the bear and the rabbit? The bear goes up to the rabbit and asks if he ever has the problem of shit sticking to his fur, and the rabbit replies No he doesn't so the bear picked him up and wiped his ass with the rabbit.


Well-Known Member
Not on my plants, but dam well could have been. When you cross the creek and go up sort of ramp, to the left is my site. Well somebody took a shit on the rocks/gravel on the crossed side of the creek:wall:!!!!. And left the paper towel:clap: almost positive it was human shit the way it smelled and how it wasnt full of nuggets(i.e deer,rabbit). i took a pic i hope to upload alil later. think it was a warning sign that this was their territory?
Please don't upload a pic. "almost positive it was human shit the way it smelled and how it wasnt full of nuggets" Did it taste and feel like human shit?


Well-Known Member
Did ya hear the one about the bear and the rabbit? The bear goes up to the rabbit and asks if he ever has the problem of shit sticking to his fur, and the rabbit replies No he doesn't so the bear picked him up and wiped his ass with the rabbit.


Active Member
Any evidence of bipedal primates in the immediate vicinity of your grow area indicates a high probability that your weed will vanish before it is ready to be harvested.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It's possible the shit leaver saw the plants but did not recognize them for what they are. It also possible he did and you are up shit creek.


New Member
lmao just to be a dick i think i would do somthing like that, like come back every day and just shit in different spots around the plant so theres like a 5ft mine field