Someguy15s Perpetual 1kw Pineapple Express & More

damn note to self, clean ec meter more often. Did normal change and it should have been 2.0 came out 1.5EC and I was confused. Added more nute and then realized my meter was probably off (wrong order right) So I measure it after cleaning, 2.6EC SHIT, but got it diluted down to 2.3 so that is acceptable, but very high.
Here's the weekly update guys. Running a very hot 2.3EC right now due to messed up meter, hoping I don't fry them but they are loving it so far. Most of it was from boost, so it's only strong P-K. They are fattening up nicely, can't wait for a couple more weeks to see how it looks.

uhhhh so nice guy!

they look sooo good. geezus kriste you have some crystals there mate, this is 21 days from switching? no, this is 21 days from pistils .....right?
uhhhh so nice guy!

they look sooo good. geezus kriste you have some crystals there mate, this is 21 days from switching? no, this is 21 days from pistils .....right?
21 days from switching to 12/12, do all my counting like that. thanks for the compliments, I'm loving your SoG as well man. Keep reppin mich.
Holly Shiat!!! Warn a fellow will ya...if I had a 3-D monitor those colas would have poked my eys out!!! lol

Thay are kicking ass! They are loving you back man! Great job SG15
hey SG what up man? first off got the plant issue taken care of. second, dude that screen is filling out very nice. and they are packing it on man. good to see things progressing so well for you. any new screen ideas for the next round?

The last grow... I think grow 5(?) if this is grow 6, what was the final dry weight and # of total plants?