Someguys cabinet grows CA MMJ

Looks amazing man! The BD and AK have really great coverage. Going to be an impressive harvest again.

They do have great coverage! Next time it is going to be two AK and Two BD and one bubba. The second space I am working on will have a bubba and some of the new BB gear hopefully. :) I have to sex them but they need more growth. Everything just got transplanted.
Just an update on the ones vegging! :-) I made some insulated 2l containers going yesterday and transplanted all the little ones. This helps me because I don't have to water every darn night. LOL.


Here is the BB gear from S33D. 3 ED and 3 DP(querkle pheno) and the clones:

7 weeks as of tonight. Took these last night. the diablo and sour bubble will be done by next weekend and the others will be the following week or so. :) takes me time to harvest anyway since I am slow...LOL

Its probably a bitch gettin those things out of the screen without takin em all down! haha Good luck with your harvest.
SWEEEEET. Dude, you gotta be stoked with that view. Just lovely. :) :) You don't have to do it now, but before harvest can you get a few shots with some nicer light?

Hope your weekend is going ok.
I will turn off hps tonight and take some w flash. :-). It is a beutiful sight in there.

Btw jig. Waiting to see if i get pre approved for a home loan! Send us good vibes. :-)
Good luck! Im trying to move into a house soon as well but just for rent. But cant find 1 with pets allowed!!! strugglin. haha
Awesome! haha

Its tough because so many pet owners are shitty and leave pets in the house or dont clean litter boxes so they shit and piss around the house.

I take my cats for walks!!! Theres no way theyre pissing where they shouldnt. But some people dont want to accept that. haha I wish i could just buy a house because theyre giving them away around me. 4 bedroom houses are goin for 25k left and right!!! Wouldnt even need a loan i could knock that out in a few years by myself haha. But thats not how things work. Unfortunately.

Best of luck to you from a strugglin house hunter haha.
Its probably a bitch gettin those things out of the screen without takin em all down! haha Good luck with your harvest.

Forgot to reply man. Its not too bad really. I let the bases go through the screen then tie them down to it. they are not woven in so I just clip the twisty ties and cut each branch off from the base. Then trim those. each branch comes off whole like normal and the rest of the trim labor is standard.

It is a tight space with that much bud though. :-) OMG if I get a house youll see what I will build...LOL.
They are pretty cute looking. :-) Me and my daughter are allergic... not horribly but we cant live with cats indoors. If I had a farm I would have a barn cat or two though. We have dogs, but nominal allergy to them. They are pretty good though. Fortunately. :-)

I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

You too budbro... I'm a cat person too. :)

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Thanks for the luck! How could anyone say no to these 2 guys. hahaha