Someguys cabinet grows CA MMJ

UPDATE: Taken week 5 for the cabinet and Week 2 for the tent.

Wide shot:
cab 1.jpg

Left side: Top AK and bottom Deep Psycho
cab 2.jpg

Right side: top Blue Dream bottom Engineers Dream (this one is behind and looks like a 10/11wk one)
cab 3.jpg

Back Middle: Mk ultra Chunky nugs
cab 4.jpg
Top Blue Dream - Bottom Dog
Tent 3 BD dog.jpg

Pre-98 Bubba Kush x2
Tent 4 Pre98.jpg

Deep Psychosis x2 snuck between
Tent 5 DP.jpg

Top Cherry Pie and bottom dog
Tent 6 CP dog.jpg
I am so excited! week 6 in the cabinet and 3 in the tent today. That means 3 more weeks till I start harvesting! woot.
Hey SG - You might want to resize your photos. They take forever to render and it is hard to read your thread.

Girls are filling up the screens nicely :)
Guess not...

I have been kicking around some things that I have been reading. I am not super religious but I have looked into a mistranslation and representation in the king James bible. (published by the catholic church in (new test) in like 600ad). They talk about callamus being misinterpreted for Kanah Bosm or Kanah Bos or Cannabis. There is lots of information about this... just google.

What peaked my interest is the recipe for Holy Anointing oil. It had over 6lbs of Mj in it among other herbs etc... There are scholars who believe some or all of the "miraculous" healing may have been due to the liberal use of this oil. Including jesus's own state of "enlightenment". This makes me want to try it. I have adjusted the original recipe to this one below that is approximately 1% of all original quantities.

Exodus 30, verses 22 – 30

Anointing Oil

22 Then the LORD said to Moses, 23 “Take the following fine spices: 500 shekels of liquid myrrh, half as much (that is, 250 shekels) of fragrant cinnamon, 250 shekels of fragrant cane, 24 500 shekels of cassia – all according to the sanctuary shekel – and a hin of olive oil. 25 Make these into a sacred anointing oil, a fragrant blend, the work of a perfumer. It will be the sacred anointing oil. . . .

Adjusted small recipe: Approx 1% or less of original recipe

Liquid myrrh 57 grams 30$

Cassia (cinnamon bark) 35 grams 20$

Cinnamon leaf 25 grams 10$

Cannabis flowers 28.5 grams 350$ (extracted to oil?)

Coconut oil 30 milliliters 7$

Olive oil 30 milliliters 10$

Total Cost: 427$

In the traditional method, all of these ingredients would have been mixed with water and then boiled until all the water evaporated. The oil was then strained and ready for use.
Here is the original recipe converted to our measure

liquid myrrh 5.75 kg (12.68 lbs)

cassia 5.75 kg (12.68 lbs)

cinnamon leaf 2.875 kg (6.34 lbs)

cannabis flowers 2.875 kg (6.34 lbs)

olive oil 6.5 liters (1.72 gallons)
My plan will be to make a batch of this and test it on myself. I have read some deft accounts of its use and that it does get you extremely high just being applied to the skin. So naturally.. I am fascinated since I am so interested in the use of this plant medicinally and spiritually.
BTW.... Callamus would be the equivalent of herbal ecstasy and over 6lbs of it probably would make you trip out heavily... maybe kill you. Plus it does not have the medicinal properties that cannabis does (theraputic).

Just throwing that out there.
CInnamon is a known antibacterial and it has many other benefits. The dead sea scrolls are said to have many original texts that Israel didn't want known. Then the Huntington library scanned the scrolls and made them public. Israel was pissed - but how many of us can translate ancient hebrew?

Trying to help it get to the next page :)
CInnamon is a known antibacterial and it has many other benefits. The dead sea scrolls are said to have many original texts that Israel didn't want known. Then the Huntington library scanned the scrolls and made them public. Israel was pissed - but how many of us can translate ancient hebrew?

Trying to help it get to the next page :)

Yea I read up on all the ingredients and I feel together they will increase the efficacy of the final product. Not many can translate but there are some that can. I am sure the "church" is not all that happy about all the gnostic texts that predate the bible and dispute our idea of who Jesus really was.

I lean towards the gnostic side being more truthful...

love others, do unto others, community, oneness.... Jesus was for sure drenched in holy oil and was high as fuck doing it I bet. I am in no way discounting cannabis as turning people into a bunch of peace loving hippies. However I do think it allows the person to perceive the larger picture and show more compassion and kindness for their fellow beings.
Cannabis use causes us to question the status quo and to come up with ideas for improvement. This scares the status quo powers. Star Trek is where we should be. No classes, no countries, no egos. All of us working to better the lives of all on this planet and beyond!