SomeGuys Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Ok.. so I am starting this but I don't know exactly how often it will be updated.

I got my start in micro hydro by watching wolfman Zens thread and then came up with a bunch of ideas myself. I am @ 29 days of flower today (or starting my 5th week). My set up is kind of sog but I am not as rigid about #s or timing so its more a perpetual harvest as I will be continually adding new plants as others are harvested. I have 4 moms. Afgooey, hindu kush, juicy fruit and Misty. I have in the flower cabinet afgooey, misty and Himalayan gold.

Here is from the first week of flower:

these are At 9 days:

14 days:

Here they are 20 days:

I am due for an update soon. Lately I have been so busy that just doing maintenance has been too much.... and they dont take too much really..LOL. Anywho.. if anyone has questions/comments etc.. hit me up:)


Wow, great job! You're plants look really happy. I dig your custom setup.


Well-Known Member
Wow, great job! You're plants look really happy. I dig your custom setup.
Thanks! I appreciate the positive response!

right now I am working on a better air supply system. I have one two output pump driving 4 64oz cups. I would like to have it just do the two and my airstones wouldnt clog as much.

Weed Demon

Well-Known Member
Killer micro setup! I haven't seen a small custom setup like that before. I can't wait to see the whole process!


Well-Known Member
OK.. So I have now..possibly...found new ideal containers. They are 120oz vs the 64oz cups and have almost the same foot print. I'm working on mocking one up and should have it up and running tonight. Ill take some photos.. If I could get 10-12 of these to fit in my space it would be almost twice the water per plant and would take less fill-ups in between res changes. I'm so excited! LOL


Well-Known Member
Bump for more looks at my journal. :) I will have some photo updates on tuesday/wed after I pass 5 weeks (35days)


Well-Known Member
they grew a lot once in flower.. I think about 2 weeks and I started to see some bud formation. You can see in the pics that between day 9 and 20 they grew quite a few buds... I am currently getting away from the 64oz cups and going with some 1gl containers to make maintenance easier. I can fit 12 1gl containers in the cabinet. I think I will end up harvesting 4 every 3 weeks once I got my system down.


Well-Known Member
When you say maintenance do you mean having to trim roots and shit?
No!...LOL I never would trim the roots unless they are suffering from root rot. I top off the water in the DWC every other day with the 64oz cups. Its more like every 3rd or 4th with the 1gl now. Then.. every 10-14 days I completely change over the the res water in each container with new water and nutes. I clean them with some water and h202 and wipe my cabinet down with it too. I just don't want to have to do anything for 3/4 days at a time. ;)

Return of the Spork

Well-Known Member
Oh okay, you must be a busy man then. I interpreted it as that you had like....other things to do than the normal stuff.

I haven't looked into DWC much (other than cloning) and always thought you had to manicure the roots or something to keep it in check with the veg rate or something. Obviously I was wrong.

I am just doing E&F in Hydroton. If the power were to go out for a length of time...would that kill your plants?


Well-Known Member
Oh okay, you must be a busy man then. I interpreted it as that you had like....other things to do than the normal stuff.

I haven't looked into DWC much (other than cloning) and always thought you had to manicure the roots or something to keep it in check with the veg rate or something. Obviously I was wrong.

I am just doing E&F in Hydroton. If the power were to go out for a length of time...would that kill your plants?

No.. at least the power going out hasnt killed any yet. After the new year I might get a battery backup for the pumps... but Ive never lost power (in two yrs) for longer than several hours. I really like it as I am using no media except hydroton. I mess around with hempy buckets here and there too, but DWC is quickly becoming my favorite. If you control the environment enough it becomes very little work... and yes.. I am a busy man... who also needs to save money by growing his own dank nuggets..LOL My homemade bubble cloner is unstoppable. I can have clones rooted heavily in less than 10 days. So..... if anything drastic happened it would not ruin me. I have 4 moms in hempy buckets to fall back on:)


Well-Known Member
looks beautiful

I thought about doing something like this but never had the idea for a big gulp or saw anything as good.

It looks like we have a similar situation in that we jimmy-rigged something quick so we could get something more legit later.

I recommend the tetra 100 whisper if you're still looking for an air pump, it has to outlets and is really quit. They're about $40 at petco and worth it.

I wanna see a picture of your cloner.

Why do you trim the bottom of the plants?
is it to increase airflow or does it increase the harvest?
Nice stems.

Those buds look incredible by the way. Really, the are amazing, the look like they will be both firey and icy.

look at all those wires, haha
mines the same way.


Well-Known Member
Well for now I have two cabinets I built/modified... so ya.. they will do as long as I am renting. With these no landlord can just come and look and they are pretty stealth cabinets..LOL But I would like a more legit setup when I own a home. I will probably custom build a hidden room into the home. I am currently at day..mmm had to do math. I pretty much have 10-14 days left I think.

For a pump I am looking at a 12 outlet industrial pump. Eventually the cabinet will just hold 12 1gl DWC containers and I will probably do 4 every 3weeks that or I will just do 6 every4.5 weeks.

I just cloned, Ill see about getting some pics up by day 49. The cloner is really easy, so far Ive had great success with it.

I trim all the side branching from the lower 1/3 or so of the plant so that it will make more of a single cola. Aggressive trimming allows me to do more plants in a small space if they are all "single cola". It is less trimming hassle at harvest time too. When just growing for yourself a small setup that can continually yeild well is ideal. Buying weed.. good weed that is.. is really expensive..LOL

The stems on the afgooey are incredible. I over-nuted the mom by accident but I think she will recover to give more clones. I've learned not to be too high while feeding..LOL. Thanks for the compliments on the buds. I will post some 7 week pictures this week. They look even better as they ripen. I think I have 2 or 3 that are about ready to start flushing.