SomeGuy's LED & Other Grows. 2014-15 Season

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Well-Known Member
Please NO comment posts in this journal till I get some pictures up and give the OK. :-)

I am initiating my new journal. Since I changed things so much in the last six months really. Here is a break down of what I have going:

2x4x5 tent
1 box fan
1 62w led tube troffer
*on 24/7 no timers or real ventilation right now.*
-rapid rooters
-solo cup hempys
-100% perlite

CMH Flower:
3x3x6.5 tent
400w cmh lamp
carbon scrubber
cool tube
inline fan
box fan
-5gl square hempy buckets
-100% perlite

LED Flower:
4x4x6.5 tent
500w of led bars DIY vero 18
carbon scrubber
inline fan
box fan
-smart pot hempy

I will upload some pics maybe early next week of everything
Strains: Current clones
Blue dream
Pre-98 Bubba Kush
Deep Psychosis
La Con
Cherry Pie
Mk Ultra
XXX og
9lb Hammer
Mojo's og

Black Sour Bubble
Skunk #1
purple tai x purple kush
Jillange (i think)
one more I cant think of...

I popped one of each. They are still pretty young.
Today is flip day for the CMH tent. yay!

Also... Seems things are greening up a little bit more these last few days. growth is fast and I am such a light feeder that I have needed to up the doses a bit more lately. I am looking forward to flipping the LED tent. Probably gonna happen pretty soon.
Nice work man! So are those smart pot hempies? How they working out for you? Any issues with keeping water in the dish?
Great set up @SomeGuy
I'm pulling up a chair.
Any idea where we are meeting
When doc comes down ?

I don't think I get to be a part of it. gotta work a lot the 11-13th. I think jig and doc are coming by my place at 10am on Sunday the 14th for a little smoke and go.

Nice work man! So are those smart pot hempies? How they working out for you? Any issues with keeping water in the dish?

So far seems pretty good. I think I would actually start adding vermiculite or believe it or not... oil absorber granules.... they are a natural inert medium that holds way more water. This would make it better IMO w all the air available.

how long you veg for?
pics of final product?
day 1 flower next to harvested plant pics?

I am not regimented or keep records really. You can look in any of my old journals and see what I have done before. I veg as long as it takes. For the most part I only put plants that are fairly mature to flower. so "usually" a month or more of veg time. Usually more like 2 months plus.

This will be my second led grow with these bars but the first in a 4x4 space. the first grow with them was in a 2x4. I got a little more than .5gpw in the 2x4. I expect I can double it in the 4x4 and hit a gpw.

Hang around and you can see for yourself. below are some new updates in just a few. :-)
@BobBitchen ....thrips showed up. just before turkey day. very little. I knocked them back but probably go get some spinosad to finish them off with . Still in early flower everywhere.
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