someone help? mag def? soemthing else?


Active Member
im using distilled water with GH flora nova...right around 500ppm, ph is stable..

was wondering can this be a mag def? my friend suggested that.

the leaves look almost like they have dried water spots or something that slowly pale in color and the leaf gets really dry and brittle so that when i grab i can almost just crumble the leaf in my fingers. its not a lighting issue because the fan closest to the light is doing it. its not heat i dont top 79 and 51% humidity. also my stems are a healthy green red or purple.

heres a few pics...some suggestions would be greatly gonna scrog in a week or 2 and start flower then...hopefully my clone can bulk up since the seedlings are destroying it in size.IMG00178-20110312-1702.jpgIMG00176-20110312-1702.jpgIMG00177-20110312-1702.jpgIMG00175-20110312-1701.jpgIMG00179-20110312-1702.jpg


Active Member
I think your buddy is right. Looks like a Mag def. It will usually affect lower and middle leaves first. Check your Ph first and if it's off fix it, then, water once with two teaspoons of Epsom salt per gallon.

*That measurment is for soil, not sure about hydro.