Someone I know is in a Coma

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Did they read one of your threads?
Or watch one of your videos?
Listen to one of your stories perhaps?
Maybe they aren't in a coma, you should check for a pulse, there is a chance they were bored to death

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Ya'll are real comedians. :dunce:
Of course tardo. You come on here and insult people who quite obviously know more than you, constantly start ridiculous threads and make yourself a target for relentless trolling by being an all around fool. Then go and bitch about it in support. Fuck that.

I'm sure few people wish your friend real harm and most here would like to see him/her get well but, I know the question is on most peoples mind is if this "friend" of yours is even real. Or if this is but another pathetic attempt to garner some more internet celebrity status that you so obviously desire.

If this turns out to be the case there is a very special place for ppl like you in hell. If you are being truthful it really doesn't matter because of the persona you have created here no one will ever take you seriously, you will always get trolled. You wanted it, you got it.


Well-Known Member
I must have missed this thread today! He was trying to get clones in Colorado to help his friend in a coma! Yet he is really far from this person in a coma? Never let a tragedy go to waste says Thinbaggy! Maybe someone will buy my story and hook me up since I burned all my bridges! Where is that thread by the way? Hmmmm... Classic finfail type of sitch!


Well-Known Member
I started a thread about him the other day, it did not last long. His new avi is yet another self promotion. I found one of his youtube videos (one of 718 ) and watched it for about 2 minutes. He was mumbling, stumbling, bumbling, through it and talking about a new city he wants to start. One where "the police would be all voluntary, so they wouldn't be douchebags with authority issues". It was almost painful to watch, and for the first time I felt a little sorry for him, but just enough that I no longer want to choke him. He slipped through the cracks of reality, and will never find his way out. He is clearly fried from all of the drug abuse. Living the life of a couchsurfer doesn't do much for your intelligence either. Basically he is a high class homeless kid, relying on the generosity of others.