someone jacked my shit!!!


Well-Known Member
^^ay dude, try to pull that one on me;) *where the damn OO again?!*

sorry to hear that one, must have someones damn lucky day: xbox, freakin movies and to top it all shitload weed. anything else lost in this B&E? and where did the fake enter your place, get that more solid before your next attempt or the fuck my sneak in again...


Just some idiot
This is why you should never tell anybody, and hide the grow if you have friends over. Sorry to hear that you got ripped off. I know the feeling I had two classic les Paul's and my marshall cab stolen from me. Sad thing is I know who did it and there was still nothing I could do.


Well-Known Member
no one did know i think it was just some punks breaking in and just stealing some stuff and they just fell apon my plants

shit pisses me off!


Well-Known Member
I dunno man...It seems a little too random for my judgement. I would take a close look at my friends. A stealth isnt something that you really "fall upon". Show up at their houses without saying anything, go inside if they're not there. just give it a whirl....see what happens.




Well-Known Member
I would play it dumb as if nothing happened, dont let your friends see something is wrong just act totally normal. But if your at there house, and they go to take a shower, search there shit like crazy.

That sucks tho man. Sorry : (

If weed gets legalized, no joke ill send ya couple ounces of some purple : )


Well-Known Member
It doesnt have to be some1 he knows I mean unless he told some1. If some1 broke into the house it was to steal valuables and they would search everywere for them including closets or where ever else you were growing.


Well-Known Member
go to they have covert video cams with pinhole lenses that will catch them if it were an inside job and they try again. The cams are 1"x1" and see in the dark for about $30, I am sure you have an old VCR that you can hook it up to and then you have proof.


Well-Known Member
You might need some security. I have 2 big ass dogs who are mean as hell to an outsider. I dare anyone to enter my house, they wont get out alive! we also changed all the locks entering our bedroom. so its like double security. but that sucks ass . sorry to hear it.


Just some idiot
Yeah I got 2 dogs a secret door and then a door with a digital lock on the grow area I'm building now plus I have told no one except for you guys what I'm doing. I know that you may not be able to do this but if you have valuables they need to be protected. The reason I went to all this trouble is within the past six months I had 2 valuable guitars and a nice amp stolen, so I may have gone overboard but I hate thieves and it gives me piece of mind although it did cost some money. I'm also looking into outdoor cameras hooked into my CPU. I know it sounds paranoid but it gives me piece of mind for the time being.


Well-Known Member
Inside job man. Def. Never tell anyone what you got and that goes for anyhting just a general rule of thumb. I learned this after getting a grand stolen from me. I learned it again when I got a P stolen from me, and once again when I got my 360 stolen from me. I get the hint now for the third time.... (Yes im a hard head lmao) The hint is everyone is greedy. Me, you, everyone. And 99% of people care about thereself more then others, therefore dont tell anyone anything unless your willing for the info to leak out or for your shit to get stolen. Its kinda like lending people money. Dont lend someone money unless your willing to not get it back, because thats what usually happens.

steve aka koolkat

Well-Known Member
trust no one! Relatives will rip you off, not just your friends:spew: Gets me sick...
ps inside job 90 - 95 % of the time, trust k NO w on3:hump:
pss stealth:blsmoke: