Someone just PMed me asking to ship to Texas?

never ever ever shit to some random inbox message thats like putting ur social in for some guy from africa claiming u had stock in diamonds and he needs u name social and bank account number. Re-itterating Never ever ship...Un less its me im 99.98% sure im not a cop unless im part of a senario like the plot of terminator salvation so in that case NEVER SHIP!!!
I asked him if he was a cop or just stupid and he never sent anything back, so in my mine You are a cop. Why would anyone in there right mind meet up with someone asking for weight over the internet.
Not everyone is out to get you..

I gave seeds to someone I met from this website..
true im sure a lot of people have done stuff like that on here. but i got to know people on here and became friends with them first. its kind of a different story being brand new on here and asking random people to hook u up with some weight.
so tell me RIU members when have you heard of investigations by cops trying to or have busted people via Internet by sending emails asking for illegal products on an International forum??

I found this quote from the last link particularly interesting: "In Santa Barbara County, detectives are using the popular website (Craigslist) to track down alleged illegal drug sales."

Granted, the content of these two websites is completely different, but it isn't a strech for a donut-eating, clip-on tie wearing, soft-bellied, corn-dog smelling, promotion-hungry pig to "think outside the box." You asked a member to violate state and federal guidelines for marijuana. Here is a thought- buy a light, some seeds, some fertilizer, and some dirt- THEN GROW IT.

And as far as entrapment goes, this is EXACTLY what it is:
"Entrapment occurs if the conduct of the investigating officers or their agents in dealing with the defendant would “likely” have induced a “normally law-abiding person” to commit the crime with which the defendant was charged."

If someone were to belong to a marijuana growing forum, it would be safe to assume they might not be a "normally law-abiding person" especially if they have offered advice, shared stories of growing, or even posted pictures of their grow.

If you want weed so bad- grow it. If you don't want to grow it- go put an ad on craigslist.
heine you douche, please stop trolling!!! and trying to defend yourself for being an utter douche is not actually a very persuasive argument... try somewhere else. or just stop spreading your stupidity... please
Hey if anyone needs any weed PM me...... LOL or maybe I can put an add on craigs list! :) Man people are stupid! I have my card and I wouldn't sell to anyone that didn't have a card or anyone that I found on the internet! If you do and cops catch you then you are a fucking idiot and deserve to get caught!
Well, Howard, I've seen a lot of stupid stuff posted by you, and this is another!

What if you sold to a legal patient, who checked out completely, current doctor's rec, and he joins your collective and buys, and it turns out he's actually a narcotics detective, and he comes to your house at dawn with a swat team to raid you? From what you say this would never happen, but you'd be wrong.

This happens regularly here in San Diego. Legal providers are arrested and jailed every week.

Pigs tell lies for a living, that's what they do.
Well, Howard, I've seen a lot of stupid stuff posted by you, and this is another!

What if you sold to a legal patient, who checked out completely, current doctor's rec, and he joins your collective and buys, and it turns out he's actually a narcotics detective, and he comes to your house at dawn with a swat team to raid you? From what you say this would never happen, but you'd be wrong.

This happens regularly here in San Diego. Legal providers are arrested and jailed every week.

Pigs tell lies for a living, that's what they do.

ahhh this is true because you are still selling a drug without legal rights from the state of california or w.e. med state... let the dispense do the selling
No. I 100 percent dont think they give a shit, or use this place as a resource unless someone is already under survelleince, (MAYBE). It's not like they truly give a shit about us. Beleive me the FED's don't have the man power for this, look at the larger security issues. It's why they take your stuff with no charges if they catch it coming in. It's either at the bosses party or stock piled somewhere collecting dust. I mean they don't want to b e made a fool of I wouldn't go crazy saying shit, they could, I mean but fuck that they don't give a shit about this webstie.

Yea right buddy...I think you might be hinesc6's Co worker
Well, Howard, I've seen a lot of stupid stuff posted by you, and this is another!

What if you sold to a legal patient, who checked out completely, current doctor's rec, and he joins your collective and buys, and it turns out he's actually a narcotics detective, and he comes to your house at dawn with a swat team to raid you? From what you say this would never happen, but you'd be wrong.

This happens regularly here in San Diego. Legal providers are arrested and jailed every week.

Pigs tell lies for a living, that's what they do.

WTF is this dude? Why are you attacking Howard? Because he thinks legal ppl to should sell to legal ppl? I think you owe him an aplogy. And if your a mod, then your conduct should be better than this. Maybe this site needs to find a new mod, not too crazy about your comment and personaly attacking a valued memeber on this site.
i too got a message from that dude. he asked me where in tx i lived, i didn't tell him, then he asked if i was growing for personal or provider? either this guy is a cop (is that enough evidence, idk) or is looking for weed in the WRONG places.
Yep our dispensaries in Santa Barbara County get raided a few times a year. Beware!!! Beware!!! Pot is Bad!!!!
WTF is this dude? Why are you attacking Howard? Because he thinks legal ppl to should sell to legal ppl? I think you owe him an aplogy. And if your a mod, then your conduct should be better than this. Maybe this site needs to find a new mod, not too crazy about your comment and personaly attacking a valued memeber on this site.

You are a Fail sir