Someone Please read and Help...


Well-Known Member
I am very VERY new to growing I bought 30 seed's about 2 months ago and right now I got 7 seed's left with only 2 plant's that barely just came out the ground 2 weeks ago so that shows you how much i dont know what im doing but let me get tot he point. Right now I have a little closet set up with just two plants and right now im using the most powerfull CFL light I could find at Home-depot and I have it on a 18 on 6 off schedual right now but my question is I just bought a HID hood because im want to change to HID lighting but my question is will changing the lighting screw my plants up I was gonna wait tell my plants got bigger before I change lights on them but can someone tell me for the set up I have what size wattage HID bulg should I get? for just 2 plants if someone could plz tell me I would apreciate it..
and if you have some spare time maybe you could just give me some tip's on growing cause like i said I really dont have a clue what im doing so ill be more then happy to take anyone's advice.. Thank you very much and happy smokin:joint:


Well-Known Member
the switch would most likly be for the best. but how about some more info. soil? lighting now? try and get some pics